60.Shadows Coming To Life

Sherlock thrashed around on his bed, shaking and yelling. A few cries escaped him as he hid beneath his pillow. He continued screaming, which got the attention of John, his boyfriend. He went to Sherlock's room and looked in quietly.

The fact that Sherlock was having a nightmare was very evident. He walked up to the side of the bed and looked down at the consulting detective. "Sherlock." He said in a soothing voice, bending down and taking Sherlock's hand.

A few squeaks and whimpers came from Sherlock before he settled down.

A smile carved it's way onto John's face. "That's right, I'm here now, I'm with you, everything's alright."

Sherlock grinned gently in his sleep, John nodded slowly and felt as the sleeping man squeezed his hand. It wasn't too hard, nor too unbearable.

John unconnected their hands and kissed Sherlock's forehead before trying to walk away, but he was stopped once the crying continued. He turned to Sherlock and was about ready to climb into bed with him and sleep there to calm his nerves, but Sherlock was sleeping soundly.

The crying continued from somewhere in the room. It wasn't Sherlock, he was sleeping like a baby, gently hugging his pillow and wrapped up in his blankets.

With determination to find where the crying was coming from, John ignored the sleeping angel. He walked over to the closet to where the crying was loudest.

"Hello?" John was able to whisper, sounding tough in a way but still shaking because of the situation. Putting his hand on the doorknob, John decided to say the same thing again. There was no response but louder, more intense crying. "Is anybody there?" John asked before opening the door a small crack.

There was the silhouette of a girl child, her hands were covering her face and her knees were tucked to her chest.

"Who are you?" John looked at the figure, "H-how did you get in there!?"

The girl evaporated into thin air, John gasped. "What the hell?!!"

Sherlock woke up startled by John's screaming. "John!?"

John looked at Sherlock with a scared expression. "W-who was that? Why was there a little girl in your closet?"

"What?" Sherlock tilted his head, confused.

John ran up to Sherlock, diving into a hug. "There was a little girl in. your. closet."

Sherlock tiredly rubbed his eyes, "What? You're joking..."

"Honest to God!"

Sherlock shifted a bit in John's arms before hugging him back. "Alright then..."

John kissed Sherlock's cheek. "Want to sleep in my room? Maybe you won't get any nightmares there."

A shiver went through Sherlock's spine. He shook his head to get the thought of the nightmare out of his head. "Okay, let's go then."

They were just about to get up when the silhouette of the girl appeared on the wall.

John jumped, pointing at the girl. "That's her! That's her!"

"Oh my science...." Sherlock spaced out. "That--that's..."

"Do you know who she is?" John questioned, cupping Sherlock's cheek softly to calm him down. He looked absolutely terrified.

"J-John..." he hugged John tightly, watching as the other shadows in the room sprang to life.

John ran a hand through Sherlock's hair, stopping at various curls and twirling them. This was one of the methods John always used to calm down Sherlock. He started to rub Sherlock's back softly as well. Though John was shaking uncontrollably he wanted to keep Sherlock okay.

The shadows mumbled things to each other, John grabbed Sherlock and threw him off the bed. "We need to go. NOW."

Sherlock stumbled to his feet, staring at the eyes under his bed. He picked up John and ran out of the room.

With John in his arms, Sherlock swung down the stairs. He ran to Mrs. Hudson's flat and knocked on her door.

Mrs. Hudson answered, she was dressed in her nightgown. "Oh, hello."

"We have a problem with my room."

"I'm your landlady, not your housekeeper!"

"It's a really big problem..." Sherlock mumbled.

"Okay, I'll check it out as soon as possible. And why are you holding up John?"

John tightened the grip he had on Sherlock's shoulder. "Because of the 'problem.'"

Mrs. Hudson nodded slowly, "Okay. I'll see to it tomorrow, goodnight, boys." Mrs. Hudson closed the door. Sherlock held onto John like there was no tomorrow.

"Lets go to my room." John whispered quietly, Sherlock nodded and walked them to his room.

John was lowered onto the bed. "Come here," he patted next to him. Sherlock sat down and they both went under the blankets. Sherlock cuddled John and hummed while trying to sleep, getting the horrors out of his mind.
