10.Not-So-Normal Date

In Sherlock's POV

John and I are out on a date. It's pretty plain and simple, he asked me out, and now we're sitting here. On a blanket. Placed under the tree.

"You look mad..." I hear my Watson comment.

"No, no, I just have a feeling something will happen tonight." I say and take a sip of tea. I have this hanging feeling of dread over my shoulders.

"Something like what?" John inched closer to me and took my hand.

"Something bad."

"Like what?"

I say nothing else and grab Job. I pick him up and run as fast as I can to our flat.

"Sherlock--" As I am a bit away from out picnic I look back and watch.


It seems like London shook. I could feel myself getting pushed back by the forces of it. I hold John tightly and fall down.

John gasped and looked back at me. "Sher..." He gave me a quick kiss and pulled me up. I thank him. "That would have killed us..."


He hugs me. "That's an interesting date. How did you know that was gonna happen?"

"I had this horrible feeling that made me just know something was gonna go down."

John pats my shoulder and we finish our walk to the flat. We both fall onto our chairs because that was exhausting​.

That wasn't a good date.
