
"Today you will be meeting the price of the northern kingdom." Said King Mycroft as he sat on his throne. His little brother looked up at him and nodded formally. "I expect perfect behavior from you."

"I know. I'm well aware of that. I'll be on my best behavior."

"His name is Prince John." Mycroft said as he twirled his umbrella in circles.

"Alright. Prince John it is then." Sherlock cleared his throat, "When am I meeting him exactly?"

"In a few hours. And while he's here don't bother me, I'll be talking with the queen, his sister."

"Okay. I'll get ready for the guests." Sherlock put one hand behind his back and the other in front of his body. He bowed to his brother then stood straight, leaving the room.

Mycroft started to whistle a tune as Sherlock left. "Goodbye, brothermine."

"Farewell." Sherlock went to his room, he looked around it dully.

He walked up to his wardrobe, fumbling around with the many tuxes. He took one that looked quite generic, and changed into it. Sherlock made sure that the tie was perfect before he closed the wardrobe.

I wonder how he is. He might think I'm a freak. Sherlock shook the thoughts from his head.


Sherlock stood formally beside his brother's throne, one hand behind his back and the other resting gently on his chest.

"Here they come," warned Mycroft.

"I know." Sherlock said firmly, watching as a short blonde-haired man walked down their hall. He was dressed in a red suit and was limping, holding onto a cane.

"Ello," Said the man.

"Greetings." Said Sherlock, Mycroft nodded in approval.

John walked up to Sherlock with a friendly smile. Queen Harry went up to Mycroft and they started a conversation about their empires.

Sherlock led John into the dining room to talk. "So," Sherlock mumbled as he took a seat. John sat down across from him. "What do we talk about?"

John didn't respond for a moment, he just made intense eye contact with Sherlock.

"Prince John?"

"Oh-- I apologise. I don't know what we talk about, we're kinda just here."

"Afghanistan or Iraq?"

"What?" John looked confused.

"I said; Afghanistan or Iraq?"

"Oh, Afghanistan. Sorry, but how did you know?"

Sherlock slipped John a playful smile. "Many reasons."

They chatted for awhile, John was taken aback by Sherlock's special skill of deductions.

After a while, when they were about to depart, Mycroft and Harry burst in.

"Yes!" Harry screamed.

"It's the perfect idea!" Mycroft said with a big smile.

The duo rushed up to John and Sherlock, "Yes, yes," mumbled Queen Harry.

"What are you two talking about?" John asked, a bit confused.

"You two!" Mycroft answered, "We were talking about connecting our kingdoms and well..." The faces of the two princes turned bright red when Mycroft finished. "We should marry you two together!"

"It'd be perfect!" Harry gave a big smile.

"But we've just met--" John was interrupted by his sister.

"The wedding is this month." She said.

They ran back out of the room, "We'll be preparing it!"

"So you're going to be my husband?" Sherlock asked once they left.

"I guess."

Sherlock cupped John's face with a wink. "Then we should get to know each other more."

John's face blushed up within the contact, he had just met this other man an hour ago.

John continued thinking and didn't even notice himself leaning in for a kiss, the only time he noticed was when he was backing away from the other man's lips.

Sherlock smiled. This relationship was only a few minutes old but they were already pushed onto the table, kissing each other and sliding their hands up and down the other's body.
