97.Got Him Drunk

“Sheeerrrlleee…” John mumbled, stumbling over to his friend.

“Yasss?” Sherlock asked, looking up at John.

“We--” Hiccup. “N-need to go… home…”

Sherlock stood up, John caught him once he almost fell. “Mmm fuccckiangg draaaunk….”

“Haha…. I-I know…” John helped Sherlock walk out, Sherlock leaned heavily against John. They decided to get a cab, John stepped out and hailed one for them.

They loaded inside of it, Sherlock was too drunk to even mutter where they were going to, so John told the cabbie to go to 221B Baker Street.

Once they got home John had to drag Sherlock inside. He threw Sherlock down onto the couch then fell over on top of him.

Sherlock groaned, rolling around. John tried getting off of Sherlock but he was too drunk to make sense of anything.

“Jawwwwnnnn….” Sherlock mumbled, pushing at John to try and knock him off the couch.

John fell asleep on Sherlock, they were both too drunk to care. Sherlock just sighed and hugged John, closing his eyes.

After a little while of a failed attempt to sleep, Sherlock got up. He let John sleep on the couch, Sherlock decided for some strange reason that he would prank John somehow. He put buckets full of cold water on the ground so when John got up he would step in them, then he got a marker.

Sherlock giggled and started drawing on John’s face, he made him look like a cat and wrote ‘Gay’ with a rainbow on his forehead. Sherlock was using dry erase markers though, so when he wanted he could wash it off.

Anyways, he also got some duct tape and taped John’s hands together.

Sherlock had nothing to hold against John, there was no reason for doing this, but it was fun. He laughed, going back to the couch to unleash his plan. Sherlock laid down next to John, who immediately cuddled up to him. Sherlock sighed, closing his eyes. He was able to sleep well.

Later, Sherlock was woken up by the sound of John screaming. There was water all over the ground. John stood up, still drunk as hell.

“Shiiiiiiiiitttttt….” John mumbled, falling down on the couch. Sherlock giggled quietly, moving closer to John.

“You’re gayyyy….?”

“Whaaattt? Nuuu I’m nooot…”

Sherlock pointed to his head. John sighed and went to the bathroom. He looked into a mirror. “Oh my gosh!” John went back to Sherlock, “What the fuck is thiss?” John asked in a slurred voice.

“Uhhmmm.. I’m s-sorry, yoooouuu…” Sherlock wetted a nearby cloth and wiped it off John’s face. “Gaattaa…. ffffloooff…”


“Floooffff…” Sherlock stumbled towards John and pet his head.

“Stooooppp peettinnggg mee! Youuu’reee the one with thaa floooofff haiir…” John tried to pet Sherlock’s head but his hands were duct taped together.

“Ohhh…..” Sherlock put his hands on John’s shoulder, he bent down and they both stared at each other.

Their smiles fell, and they moved closer to each other. Sherlock let his hands up to John’s face, and cupped his cheeks. John blushed a bit and let Sherlock move closer, they connected their lips.

“Mmm…” John deepened the kiss quickly, they were both drunk and out of control.

Sherlock started caressing John, who closed his eyes and let Sherlock pull him closer.

A few minutes later Sherlock pushed John away. John wanted more, so he pressed up gently against Sherlock’s chest.

“Jaawnn…” Sherlock mumbled, John started kissing Sherlock’s collarbone and neck.

Blush covered both their faces. John kept kissing Sherlock, and eventually Sherlock started to kiss back.

John felt ecstatic about Sherlock kissing him back, he put his hands behind his back, he wanted to hold Sherlock but he was still tied up. Sherlock looked at the duct tape and finally took it off John. He smiled and put his hands on Sherlock’s waist.

“Sherlock…” John whispered, he smiled and nuzzled Sherlock, hugging him. Sherlock smiled and helped John over to the couch. They both laid down and started cuddling. Both of them, still drunk, decided to have a pleasurable night... The next morning when they woke up, John barely remembered anything but Sherlock knew all of it. They turned and stared at each other for a few minutes, just staring at each other’s eyes.

“Uhmmm… What did you do?” John asked, he had a headache and he wasn’t just sure of why they were both naked.

“Uhhh…. You did this to me…” Sherlock mumbled, picking up a blanket and covering himself.

“I did…?”

Sherlock nodded quietly, remembering how restless and passionate John was. “Yes….”

“Sorry…. Uhmm…” John took another blanket and stood up, using the blanket to cover himself. “I’m going to go.. Put clothing on…”

“If you want your clothes you threw them on the ground over there...” Sherlock pointed to a pile of clothing against the wall.

John blushed, completely embarrassed. “Uh… Thank you....” John went over and picked his clothing up, he left the room quickly. Sherlock just laughed, standing up and going to his room to put some clothing on.

A/N I just had to make this. Ohhhh my gosh so awkward. It made me awkward just writing this XD
