
Anything can happen in fanfictions.... Even this-- which would never ever happen in reality... :<

"John! Come here, Love!" Sherlock said as he mixed liquids and chemicals with each other.

"What?" John asked, walking up to his husband.

"Stand right there, don't move." Sherlock leant over and kissed him, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"What? Why? Are you going to take a picture?"

"No." Sherlock poured something over the both of them.

"Sherlock! Now I'm all wet," John put his hands in his hair and gasped. He looked down at Sherlock. "OH MY GOD!" He yelled.

"Calm down, Dear. This was all expected." Sherlock said, staring up at John.

"BUT YOU-- me-- I'm you! I'm tall and thin and have curly hair!"

"I know. And I'm short," Sherlock said and laughed a bit. He held out his hands and looked at them. "These jumpers are comfortable, I should start wearing them."

"No! They're my fashion." John crossed his arms.

"I don't know if I should say you look so cute when you're mad because technically I'd be complimenting my own body." Sherlock leant up and booped John's nose.

"I could use this to my own advantage. I'm in the smartest person in the world's body!"

"Well, not in the world." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Let's take a case!" John suggested, taking out the laptop.

"Just remember we're still husbands and we shouldn't use this against each other."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Just no kissing me because I'm not okay with kissing myself." Sherlock said and rolled his eyes, walking back to the kitchen. "I have the cure right here."

"Hold on, I want to take a case."

"It'd be no different than you solving a case in your own body." Sherlock stood under John and poured the other liquid on them.

"Aw..." John said with disappointment, looking down.

Sherlock smiled and straightened his shirt collar, "Love you, Dear." He pat John's head and walked off to do more experiments.
