87.Power Going Out

Sherlock's POV

It was winter time when this happened, I was on the couch looking through the newspaper, hoping for a case while John was sitting in his chair reading a book.

I tried to ignore the loud winds and bashing of snow against the windows, but it was too loud and something almost impossible to completely ignore.

So, like I always do, I turned to John and was about to complain when the lights went out. Everything was dark, pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. The only light in the room was the soft glow of the moon filtering in through our windows.

"Ugh, dumb power." John said, getting up and starting to stumble around for a light switch. He flipped it a few times but with no results. I couldn't see anything so I set my newspaper down and stared into the darkness.

John backs up against the wall and moves, bumping into the couch. He sat down on it right next to me and sighed.

"Turn the lights on." I say and struggle to read.

"The power is out, Sherlock." He says.

I sigh and look to him. "Oh, really? I hadn't noticed."

John sighed and looked at the darkness that he knew I was at. I stand up but bump into the coffee table, I fall back down on the couch and land close to John.

He touches my face, "Sherlock."


"I cannot even see how close you are." He moves his hand so he cups my cheek.

"You are not close," I say. He is close, I can sense him. "Come closer." He moves a bit closer. "Closer, please. I don't know where you are."

John nodded and came closer. Our lips connect, I smile and he jumps away.

He can't see the smirk on my face. "O-oh.. uhm... I'm s-sorry..."

"No, no, don't be sorry." I search around for his hand and take it, putting it back on my face. He must be blushing now as he stares at the darkness. "Do you enjoy this?"

"Y-yes..." John cups my face again. I smile and lean into his touch.

"Good." I put my hand on his shoulder and pull him closer.

He smiles and I hug him, pulling him closer. John rests his head on my chest and closes his eyes.



"W-why are you holding me like this...?"

"Because you're warm and I can't see anything..." I close my eyes and lay down, pulling John on top of me.

"Oh..." he mumbles and puts a leg over my waist.

I press close to him, "John..." I mumble, he holds me even closer.

I turn around so we're face-to-face. All I see is darkness, and I know that is also all he sees.

For a moment, we lose ourselves. We know how close our faces are. I lean closer to him, and once again our lips meet. John closes his eyes and cups my face, kissing me back.

He deepens the kiss and puts a hand on my thigh. A few seconds pass before I end the kiss. "Heh... Sherlock..."

"Mm, John..." I pull him closer and kiss him again.

"Sherlock..." John put a hand on my face and kissed me more, I can't see him but I wish I could. I bet his face looks adorable covered in a dark blush.



I give a few more kisses, we start lightly making out. We switch places so he's under me, he holds my face and looks up to what may seem to him is my eyes, but is really just darkness.

A few minutes later the lights turn on. I get a little shocked and jump back, John accidentally falls off the couch. He sits up and stares at me for a few moments before getting back down next to me and smiling.
