62.Kissing Under a Cherry Blossom Tree

"So," Sherlock said as he cleared his throat, he and John were on a case and they'd just finished it, so they were walking through the park out of boredom.

"So what?" John questions.

Sherlock smiled and pointed at the trees. The glossy pink blossoms fell off of it, wistfully fluttering around until it hit the ground. John smiled, too, there was a cluster of cherry blossom trees in some sort of circle.

They went to the middle of the circle and looked around, bright smiles on their faces. "Wow." John commented.

"I guess wow is accurate..." before John knew it there was a hand on his cheek. His head was turned towards Sherlock.

Their faces were pushed together, and only released after a few minutes.

Both of their cheeks turned red. "Sherlock..."

"Sorry but you're so..." Sherlock brought their lips together again. John put an arm around Sherlock's neck and stood on his tiptoes to reach Sherlock's mouth.

"What am I?"

Sherlock didn't reply, he ran a hand down John's chest and kissed his lips.

John repeated his question; "What am I, Sherlock?"

"So alluring."

At the sound of Sherlock speaking and the word he used, John blushed a bit more.

They kissed each other again and again, surrounded by the falling blossoms of the tree. "Thank you..." John said a bit unsure. Sherlock chuckled, pulling John closer.

They left the area of the blossom trees, continuing to walk with each other but now holding hands. 
