122.Overpopulated Place

"There's far too many people here, John," Sherlock mumbled, looking around. There were large crowds of people there, he didn't like it. All the loud noise and talking and confetti.

"It's okay, Sherlock." John said and looked up at Sherlock. "We're just going to be here for a bit. Please, Sherlock? For me?"

"Look at all these rainbows," Sherlock mumbled. "I think I'm going to wake up with 'too much colour' sickness tomorrow."

John laughed and kissed his boyfriend. "They stand for pride, Lovey."

"Eck, I hate parties." Sherlock wrapped an arm around John's shoulders and looked around, staring at all the happy couples. "Why do you want to be here anyways? It's overflowing with--" Someone bumped into Sherlock.

"Excuse me," The man sad, looking up and down Sherlock. "wow... you're cute." He said with a smirk.

"Taken and uninterested." Sherlock mumbled, kissing John's cheek and walking with him. "Ugh, people are already hitting on me. Am I that special, John?"

"Yes, of course. You are wonderful in every way possible."

"Why thank you, Love." Sherlock said and smiled. John just nodded and took Sherlock's hand.

They went around the Pride Parade for awhile, Sherlock and John got their faces painted. John got a rainbow on his cheek and Sherlock went with a heart. They also put little sparkles on John and Sherlock's cheeks.

Sherlock wasn't too keen on staying, but he was enjoying himself a bit. If all the people and music weren't giving him a headache he would have enjoyed it there. John was very affectionate the time they were there. He kept taking Sherlock's hand and kissing his knuckles and his cheeks. He kept telling Sherlock they would leave soon, but they really didn't. Because there were gunshots.

So, they started chasing the person. Three people were shot and died, each of the bullet wounds were in the same place. Sherlock smiled and took John's hand then started running after who they suspected to be the murderer.
