138.Surprising Sherlock

A/N Sorry if this one is weird today. My Google Drive was being rude so I had to write it on here instead of there. Oh yeah, and this one is smol. I don't feel like writing much.

"I bet I can surprise you, Sherlock," John said with a laugh, taking a sip of his coffee. They were sitting on a bench in a park. He glanced towards his friend and offered a sweet smile.

"Really? I don't think you can." Sherlock responded, smiling a bit.

"How come?" John asked. 

"It takes a lot to surprise me."

"Alright, let's bet. If I can surprise you, then you have to give me some money." John said and smirked.

"How much?"


"That's a lot!" 

John shrugged softly, "You'll have to pay up. I'm going to surprise you."

"No you're not--" Sherlock's eyes widened and he gasped as John pressed their lips together. He dropped his coffee and froze.

He held the kiss for a minute before pulling away and holding out his hand. "Pay up."

Sherlock nodded silently and handed John the money. He was not expecting that at all.
