49.He Doesn't

“Hey, freak,” Sally Donovan said and looked up at Sherlock.

“Salutations.” Sherlock said formally.

“Solve the case yet?”

“Yes. I did.”

“‘Kay. Lestrade wants to talk to you.”

Sherlock sighed and nodded, walking to Lestrade. Sally watched him go to the DI with a disgusted expression.

“Hey, Sherlock, I just wanted to ask you where John is.”

“He's at the flat. John was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him.”

“Oh, OK.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah, thanks for solving the case, we finally captured that man.”

Sherlock mumbled something inaudible and nodded to Lestrade, “Just text me if anything else happens.”

“Alright. Have a good day, Sherlock.”

Sherlock sighed and started walking​ back to the flat. He decided not to get a cab, so, walking in the damp streets of London, Sherlock's mind became a jumbled mess.

Many cases popped up into his mind, many cases he'd kept hidden away for occasions he would need the information back.

Then his mind drifted to the doctor that had fallen asleep in his chair. Yep, he fell asleep in Sherlock’s chair somehow.

But his thoughts didn't stop with John. That's who he occupied himself with thinking of the entire way home.

He started to get a little sad, because inside he had a warm fuzzy feeling and through the rest of him, he knew John could never love a sociopath like him.

His walking slowed, he got more involved in his thoughts. John… John…

He shook his head he couldn't love John. He DIDN'T love. AND nobody would love him back if he did like them! He's a freak, right? John would just deny him. Besides-- John was 'straight’.

Sherlock mumbled John's name. He loved saying his name. He walked faster, and that hazed into a jog. There was nothing Sherlock wanted to do but get back to the flat.

Sherlock was panting when he opened the door. He looked at John and smiled, he was still sleeping peacefully.

Sherlock went up to John and stared down at him, a smile etched on his face. He couldn't help but bend down and kiss the man's cheek then leave the room quickly

Unknown to him, John was awake. He stayed in the same position so Sherlock didn't know he was though.

What does he do in this situation? Does he go to him and kiss him? Does he stay in a pretend sleeping state? Could he yell at Sherlock “I'm not gay!”? Could he wrap his arms around Sherlock and embrace him?

Yes. John loved Sherlock, he had a gigantic crush on him. You know the kind of love where you try and deny it no matter how much you want it? That was John's love.

So nonetheless, John’s face turned incredibly red. He shifted a bit, and turned his head so that it was buried in his arms.

A hurricane of thoughts tumbled into John's mind. He started to get this warm feeling. He wanted to get up and tell Sherlock-- but then again, it COULD be an experiment!

Sherlock walked back into the room, his coat and scarf were off now. He took a seat on the couch and just sat there, staring at the ‘sleeping’ John.

Beautiful. Came to his mind, Extravagant, fantastic, peaceful, adorable…

Sherlock shook his head, “No,” he mumbled and laid on the couch.

No? Now John was even more confused. No what? 'No I shouldn't kiss him again?’ God damn it that kiss was actually admirable-- What am I doing?! I shouldn't think this of my friend!

Sherlock frowned and crossed his legs, putting his arms behind his head. Now his thoughts about John were getting confused. John is an extraordinary man, I've never even felt a spark of love my entire being on this Earth. But he-- I have only known him for three years and this… I think I love him, I think I really do.

Sherlock turned his head and stared at John, his face becoming a light shade of pink. “I can't.”

John was about ready ​to jump up and smother Sherlock with kisses and confess his feelings, but he couldn't.

“John doesn't…” Sherlock looked away, rubbing his eyes. Was he crying? John almost got up to console him, but only kept his eyes open a small bit so he could see him.

Sherlock coped with everything in only a few ways. Here are the most common ways; 1: yell at people. 2: curl up into a ball and die. 3: go into Mind Palace 4: ignore emotions.

Sherlock chose number two. He curled up into a little ball. “John could never love you. Stop thinking about it, Sherlock Holmes. You're an emotionless machine, remember?” He whispered so quietly, but John was sure he heard him right.

“What if he does?” John whispered, removing his head from being buried in his arms and looking over at Sherlock with a soft smile.

Sherlock jumped up, his face turning a deeper red. “You--you were awake!?” John nodded slowly. Sherlock jumped off the couch and ran into his room, locking the door and hiding in his closet.

“Sherlock!! Come out!” John sighed and walked over to Sherlock's door, banging on it. “I do love you! Don't be nervous!”

Sherlock tucked his knees to his chest. Embarrassing. That's the only word to describe it.

“Sherlock Holmes! You open this door before I bust it down!”

Oh he'd do it. John would totally break down the door. The was no response from Sherlock. He just laid his head into his arms and sat there quietly.

“Three… two… Sherlock! Don't make me do this!” He warned, after a few seconds he continued. “One. That's it, Sherlock last chance!”

Face embarrassment or get a new door?

Sherlock let John into the room and sighed.

John smiled and put Sherlock into a hug, “That kiss was okay, by the way.”

“Just okay?”

“It'd be better if you just let me…” John moved a curl out of Sherlock’s face and connected their lips. He only let go of Sherlock when he needed air. “Kiss you back.” He finished.

Sherlock's face turned red, he didn't know what to say. He stared at John with a blank face. Inside his head it was another world. John. MY John? BoYfRiEnDs?!? BOYFRIENDS? JOHN AND I? JOHN WATSON AND SHERLOCK HOLMES?!!?!?? Boyfriends!

John laughed and kissed him again. “Stop staring, it's cute.”

Sherlock became a bubbling volcano, ready to erupt with full force. He wrapped his arms around John. “What if I don't want to stop staring?”

“Well you'll still look cute.” John whispered, “I wouldn't mind if you did stare at me like you're staring at something extraordinary, Sherlock.”

“Well I am,” said Sherlock, “You are extraordinary.”

John chuckled and nuzzled Sherlock. “And so are you.”
