20.Explosion Thingy


It went off, the bomb went off. Luckily the government was expecting this so Sherlock and John were safe. They knew they weren't in London anymore, but they didn't know where in the world. They weren't allowed outside, and Mycroft would bring them food three times a day, every day.

John was cuddled up in the corner of their shelter, it was a horrible place. Though Sherlock's brother was in the government he couldn't get everything, and so they were stuck in a small shelter. It was literally just a room, there was one mattress, and a bucket in the corner. John absolutely hated it.

Sherlock also hated it, he would pace around it, then rush into the wall because they were in that shelter and not their flat, he would imagine staring at his violin or the skull's empty eye sockets, or he would run into a wall only to be greeted with not a chemistry set, but a hurt face. Sherlock hadn't spoken a word since they got in there, John dreaded the silence but Sherlock only laid on the dirty, poorly taken care of mattress with his fingers steepled and eyes shut.

"Sherlock?" John asked, this is the first word to be spoken for hours.


"Are you okay?"

Sherlock didn't answer for a few minutes, then sat up and turned to John. "No. I'm not okay." John frowned, this response did not make him happy.

"I know it's bad down here but we have to deal with it." He smiled at his friend, who laid back down without another word. "You should get some sleep, Sherlock."

"No thank you." Sherlock mumbled, waving him off and steepling his fingers again.

"Sherlock..." John said, annoyed with him.

"Sherlock isn't here right now, please leave a message at the beep. Beep!"

"Hahah, funny."

"Your message didn't come through, mind saying something else?"

"Sherlock, you're not a machine."

"Does not compute."

"Sherlock!" John laughed, a small smile forming on Sherlock's lips.

"Perhaps I'm not a machine to you." He says and rolls onto his side. John gets up and walks over to him.

"You're annoying." He said.

"And you're John, now that we've got useless introductions out of the way can I think?"

"No." John crawled onto the mattress and sat near his best friend, Sherlock scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Sherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlock." Whined John.

"Jaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnnn." Sherlock whined back and covered his ears. "Jaaaaaaaaaaaawn."

John was quiet for a few moments. "Can you get up and do something?" He shakes Sherlock.


"Wow." John says sarcastically and sighs then stands up, but just as he was about to walk away Sherlock grips his ankle.


"For what?"

"I'm sorry for being..." He sits up, looking at the floor. "An annoying, stubborn 'friend'. I feel like I make you want to leave sometimes...."

"I wouldn't want to leave ever." John says with a smile and sits back down.

"You left before. I mean, you're not my boyfriend you can move away but..."


"I'm just sorry."

"It's okay," John smiles. "And I'm sorry I left."

"Don't be."


Nobody spoke for a while then, about forty minutes had passed since they last talked. Sherlock was huddled up into a ball, his fingers were still steepled and his eyes shut. John stared at him, he felt like he was staring for quite awhile but couldn't look away. Eventually John took Sherlock's hand.

Sherlock's eyes darted to John immediately, "John?"

John pulled himself away and went back to his corner. He curled into a small ball and tucked his knees to his chest.

Sherlock stared at him and raised a brow, John didn't move or even look at him. Sherlock dragged himself over to John, putting his arms around him. John flinched, turning to his friend.

There was no words from the detective, he only tucked his knees to his chest, leaned on John, and kept his arms around him.


Sherlock shushed him, he started humming notes from his violin. John smiled and relaxed into his friend's arms, listening to Sherlock's hums.

Sherlock started to rock John back and forth slowly, John appreciated the comfort, it was nice someone was holding him in such a time. "John..." Sherlock slipped in between some notes.


"Are you okay?"

John smiled. "Yes, I was feeling rather sad that this will be our life for awhile, but you lifted my spirits. Thank you, Sherlock."

"No problem, John."  
