
Don't kill me because I didn't upload anything yesterday. Enjoy these cuddles.

Sherlock's POV

Violin music echoed through the walls of 221B Baker Street. It was a happy song, to match the atmosphere of Christmas Day.

I look around the room and my eyes land on John. He was talking to Mrs. Hudson and wearing his utterly adorable yet ridiculous Christmas sweater.

I watch the doctor, but eventually John looked back at me, crossed his arms, and raised an eyebrow. I went back to staring out the frost covered window.

John continued the conversation and when he was done he walked up to me. "Beautiful music, Sherlock."

"Thank you." I say quietly, continuing to slide the bow across the violin's strings.

John smiles, "No problem."

I don't know what else to say so I just carry on my playing, John nods at me then walks to his armchair, sitting down.

I finish the song with an updash of the tempo then slow it down, and down, and until it's quite.

John claps I look at him and smile.

"Thank you," I say sarcastically and give a bow, "I'll be here all week."

John chuckles to himself, "Want to do something ​since it's Christmas?"

"Like?" I say dully.

"I don't know. Dinner or a walk or movie or something."

"Aren't those things a couple does?"

"I guess." John shrugs, "I just want to do something with my best friend. Christmas only comes once a year."

"Ay, very well then. Pop in one of those funny American cartoons and we can watch that."

"Okay." John got up and walked over to the television, taking out a disc and putting it in.

He sits down on the couch, next to me.

Halfway in I feel a weight on my shoulder and see John had fallen asleep and is now leaning on me. "John?" I shake him a bit, no response but a muffled mumble. "Alright then.."

I allow him to lay on me, putting his head on my lap so he's more comfortable. He curls up into a ball.

I pet his hair and ruffle it a bit before directing my attention to the screen again. I sit there until the movie is done and well after, I just sat there and pet his head while slowly slipping into sleep.

I at some point do fall asleep and when I woke up, John is hung onto my side and our faces incredibly close.

I give a small squeak and cover my mouth.My face turns incredibly red. I look at the clock, it's only been two hours.

I look back at John's peaceful face then slowly, to not wake him up, sit up.

I stumble off the couch, looking back at John when I got to my feet.

I mumble something and go to my armchair. I sit down onto it and steeple my fingers.

"I'm sorry...." Mumbles the still sleeping doctor.

I open​ my eyes and stare at him, "About what?"

He didn't respond for another few minutes, then the horrible sound of his cries were the only thing filling the silent flat.

"John!?" I rush up to him, only to see he's asleep. I shake him, "Wake up." I growl.

His crying softened. I watch him curl up into an even smaller ball.

I kneel down and shake him more, "Nap time is over, Watson."


"John! Wake up!"

He jumps up and looks around, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Sherlock?"

"I'm here."

He stared at me for a few moments, his eyes dilate and he looks away. "Sorry, were we in the middle of the movie?"


"I must have fallen asleep, sorry."

"Stop saying sorry."

"Okay, sorry."

I stare at him and stand up, crossing my arms. We make eye contact and after about five seconds of staring we both burst out in laughter.

"Did you finish the movie?"

"Yep." I say, popping the p.

"Mhm, did I fall asleep on you?"

I nod. He stays silent. Eventually he stands up and goes into the kitchen, making himself and I a cup of tea.

He comes back and hands me my cup, while taking a sip of his own.

"Thank you." I mumble and take a sip, he nods and leaves to his room.

Imma end it there. I'm sorry I'm a lazy person.
