
Sorry these had been so short, I'm rewatching the entire Sherlock series again(for like, the sixth time maybe,) I forgot how ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING it is when Sherlock is shipped with female characters and WATCHING HIM KISS THEM INSTEAD OF JOHN is UGH and especially when Sherly gets a girlfriend to get closer to Magnussen. I know it's fake but--  UGH-- ANYWAYS I'll rant in the comments this is already 71 words I'll let you read now.
“John,” Sherlock whispered, looking into the living room where his boyfriend was. “John, John, John,”

“What is it, Love?” He asked, turning his head and looking into the kitchen, where Sherlock was messing with chemicals.

“C'mere, I want to tell you a secret.” Sherlock gave a charming smile.

John stood up and walked into the kitchen, “Hm?” He asked.

“I, I... I think you're really handsome.” Sherlock whispered, looking into John's eyes.

“Oh, you're so sweet,” John said, taking Sherlock's hands. He leant over, kissing his boyfriend's lips.

Sherlock closed his eyes and kissed John back, taking off his gloves before wrapping his arms around John's waist.

The detective stood up, holding John against the wall as they kissed. It was almost completely passionate, John was trapped between the wall of the flat and the warmth of his boyfriend.

John closed his eyes and put a hand in Sherlock's curls, playing with them softly. Sherlock smiled and tilted his head, running his hand down John's body with a little smirk.
