80.I Don't Know How It Happened

John's POV

It just happened. I don't know how, but Sherlock and I were both standing, Sherlock by the window and myself in the kitchen. I could hear him moving, but I didn't pay mind to it.

He snuck up behind me, I could sense him standing there and staring down at me. It felt odd, in my mind I had an image of him behind me. I could feel something be placed on my waist, it was soft and gentle... Though I wasn't sure, the first thought in my mind was Sherlock holding my sides. The thought made my cheeks turn a light colour of red.

I turn around and our eyes meet, I stare into his beautiful blue eyes, feeling something in my throat block me from speaking, the blush on my face embarrassing me. He looks at a loss for words, silence fell over us.

Somehow I was fine with the feeling of Sherlock holding me. We were never really this close to each other before. I lay a hand on his chest, a small smile etching onto my face. Electricity zapped through me as he adjusts his fingers, pulling me closer. Our noses touch, I want to be closer to him. I want to be closer to Sherlock, but I don't want to rush this.

My hand strokes Sherlock's neck, he hums softly as a small response. His humming soothed my thoughts and I'm finally able to speak. "Sherlock..."

His face blushes up. "Yes, John?"

"What are you doing...?"

"H-Holding you..."


Sherlock shrugged, placing his other hand on my cheek. Soft, long fingers placed against my skin. He smiles, closing his eyes and humming again.



I frown, leaning into his hand. "Nothing..."

His hand slowly slipped from my cheek, sliding down my body so he was holding both of my sides. Sherlock tilts his head and pressed our lips together.

"Mm," I mumble, playing with Sherlock's curls. "Sherlock... I--" He deepens the kiss, holding tighter onto my sides.

A wonderful feeling spreads through my body, all I want now is Sherlock, but he stops the kiss and backs away from me, his hands leaving my body.

"Sorry... I just..."

"No, no Sherlock--"

He tried to run off, but I grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back. I needed Sherlock to kiss me again, the feeling was just.... Undescribable. I looked around our setting quickly, thinking of an idea for something to do that could convince Sherlock to not be shy.

"Come here, Sherlock." I stared lovingly at Sherlock.

Sherlock blushed and stepped a bit closer, "What?"


"Alright..." Sherlock stepped even closer to me, not expecting what happened next. I pushed him up on the counter, ready to do whatever with him. "Ah! J-John...?"

I immediately regretted this decision, "A-are you okay with this...?"

There was a moment before Sherlock nodded. "Yes..."

"Perfect," I stand on my tiptoes and put my arms around Sherlock, kissing his collarbone gently. I don't know why I wanted or needed this, Sherlock's hands around my waist.... and his lips pressed against my own... It felt so right. It felt so incredibly right....

I was already turned on, Sherlock could trap me against himself and the couch for all I cared, there was nothing I wouldn't mind him doing with me.

Sherlock looked completely into this, but he still pulled away when I kissed his neck. "Sorry, my neck is just a sensitive area..."

"Ohhh... Is it?" I smirk, pulling him down again and kissing his neck. Sherlock shivers, placing a hand on my neck.


Again, I kiss his neck. I feel his shiver. "That's adorable,"

"Noo.... It makes me feel weird."

"Ah, come on, let me just..." I stroke his face, cupping his cheekbones. "Here..." I trail kisses along his neck.

"Nnmm! J-John...!"

"Ahaha~" I give him more kisses, Sherlock seems to be enjoying it but also hating it. A mix of lust and embarrassment put over Sherlock's face.

"Ahh!" Sherlock giggled, blushing furiously, "John-- John!"

I run a hand down his side, backing my face away from his neck."Alright, alright. Fine." I help him down from the counter and brush my leg against his.

"So are we officially boyfriends now?" He asks, watching as I push myself back up close to him.

"I'd love that~"
