
Sherlock's POV

I push John up against a wall and start to deliver kisses around his face and neck. John accidently gasped at how suddenly he was cleaning the dishes and now he was between me and the walls of our flat.

"Jawn." I mumble and cup his face, I watch it turn red.

"Yes, dear?"

I place a soft warm kiss upon him and put my hands on his waist. "How's my favorite hedgehog doing?" I say and let my hands slide down his body.

"Oh, I'm fine." He puts his arms around my neck and chuckles, kissing my cheek. "How're you doing?"

"I just got Hamish tucked in."

"Is he sleeping?"

"Most certainly." I give him another kiss and pull him closer to my body.

He giggles and lays his body against my own. He starts twirling my hair.

I kiss him again and as I was deepening it I heard a high pitched scream. I jump and almost bite down hard on John's lips.

"Stop hurting daddy!" Hamish runs up to us and hugs John's leg. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

John chuckled and pets Hamish's head, I scowl at the boy, digging daggers into him with my stare.

Hamish looks up and me and buried his head back into John's leg.

"I'm fine." John says, picking up Hamish.

"Are you sure? He was really close to you and his hands were on you!"

"I'm sure." John chuckles and starts walking with Hamish back to his bedroom, "Go to sleep, Hamie." John got him back in bed then tucked him in and left.

"You're a monster," he joked as he walked pass me. This time I laugh and I walk into our room. He joins me later and falls asleep quickly.
