
Sherlock groaned from his chair to get John's attention.

He tapped the seat repeatedly and gave a loud sigh. John chuckled and looked up at him.



John smiled. "I know."

"Can we do something???"


Sherlock grinned but it quickly turned back to his normal, emotionless face.

"What do you want to do?" Sherlock asked quietly.

John shrugged, "Whatever you want, I guess." He saved his document on his laptop and closed it, putting it to the side.

Sherlock didn't say another thing, his eyes just darted around the small flat and then landed on John.

John returned the look and found it impossible to look away from Sherlock even if he wanted.

They made incredibly awkward eye contact until Sherlock fell over on John.

John's face turned bright red and he looked down to his lap where Sherlock had buried his face inbetween John's two legs.

He pat Sherlock's hair awkwardly, "Are you okay?" He looked over Sherlock's back for any stab or shot wounds that would make him fall over. He was clear.

"Have you been hurt? Are you ill?"

Sherlock shook his head and if even possible John's face turned even more red.

He put his hands on Sherlock's back and started to outline the rim of his spine.

Sherlock chuckled and put his arms around John.

"What's this about?" Asked the small doctor.

"Bored." Sherlock repeated, and slid up John's body so he was sitting on his lap.

John stammered for words and the only word he could manage was "wh-what...?"

Sherlock laid his head on John's shoulder and nuzzled into him.

John's heart skipped a beat as the only noise he could hear was the slow breathing of the detective laying on top of him.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Asked Sherlock. John didn't know how to answer he wanted to keep the 'i'm not gay' thing but actual found himself enjoying the comfort.

"I can stand it." He said with a small close mouthed smile. He could feel Sherlock's lips twitch upwards into a big, bright smile though. How much was he enjoying this?

Sherlock mumbled something and the feeling of a smile on his face didn't go away. John could feel his friend's heart rate steadily increase and knew his was doing the same. Sherlock shifted his head ever so slightly so he could look at John's bright red face.

"Your pupils are dilated."

John didn't notice but at this point he held his breath in.

"Can you breathe, John?"

John didn't speak nor take a breath.

Sherlock moved a curl out of his eye and put his lips against John's. Sherlock's face turned a soft pink and John snapped into reality. He didn't move.

Sherlock finally let go of John once he was in need of air.

John's face turned even more red and he hid his cheeks with his hands. He could hear Sherlock laughing softly as he ran his fingers through John's hair, then returning to the the position he was in before, his head rested on John's shoulder.

"Wha--what was that for...?" John asked breathlessly.

"You were in need of air, John." Sherlock smirked, John just started to notice how hot it was getting in the room. "I might not eat or sleep lots but I know air is a necessity."

"Mhm..." John mumbled and he softly pat Sherlock's back.

Sherlock didn't say another thing and just nuzzled back into John, who started to hum softly.

John ended up laying his head on Sherlock's and pulling him closer, he dozed off within a few minutes.

When John was asleep Sherlock kissed his neck and cuddled up to him. He decided to stay in that spot until the doctor was awake.

"Mmnnnnpff..." Mumbled John, still sleeping peacefully. "I love you..."

"Love you, too, John Watson."  

Warning! My writing is trash until a few stories in. Then it's still trash, but high quality trash. The kind of trash some rich person would pay for. It's the kind of trash your neighbour would look at and say "Damn. That's some good trash."
