
I think I'm obsessed with Sherlock's curls.

“It's raining so much out there.” Sherlock commented, putting his hands behind his back and clasping them together.

“Yep.” John nodded.

“Boring. I don't want to be trapped inside.”

“Then leave.”

“Are you joking?” Sherlock turned to John. “You can't possibly think I'm going to let my hair wet it feels so soft and bouncy today.”

John rolled his eyes and sunk into his chair.

Sherlock put a hand in his hair and pat it a bit, then hopped over to John, who was looking up at him.

“You're right, it does look really bouncy.” John commented.

“Yes, I know.” Sherlock leant down in front of John, inviting him to touch it.

John put a hand in Sherlock's curls. “That's the softest hair I've ever felt.”

“Exactly my point.” Sherlock said, straightening himself back up and walking to the window. “Hey, it stopped raining. It's really bright out now.”

“That's nice, do you want to go outside now?” John asked.

“John, look at this.” Sherlock waved John over. He stood up and walked to Sherlock, looking out the window.

“Wow,” John mumbled. Sherlock smiled softly. The two of them were staring at a lovely vibrant double rainbow. They both went quiet, staring out the window. After a few minutes, Sherlock wrapped one arm around John's back. He slowly pushed him to the wall and connected their lips.

John didn't even question it, he leant into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck. Their kiss stayed sweet, but passionate, until Sherlock pulled away. They stared at each other and smiled softly, John running a hand through Sherlock's soft, bouncy curls.
