93.Two Years Of Texting


Sherlock. -JW

I know you're dead, Sherlock. But I want to send these messages. -JW

It's stupid, I know. I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure you understand, I don't think you have a cellphone in heaven(or hell, most likely hell), but I want to send these anyways. Maybe it's just a thing to try and move on. -JW

Sherlock Holmes. I, John Watson, love you. I can't say that outloud, I can't say that by your grave, but it's true. -JW

Seeing someone I love so much jump just... it hurt so much, and I'm still not over you. I love you so much. -JW

I just, I know you will never, ever respond to these, I just need to send them. I'm crying as I send these. I love you. I miss you. -JW

I'll talk to you later, Sherlock. -JW


Hey Sher! How are you doing? I hope you're doing well, I miss you. -JW

I'm a little depressed minus my chirpy attitude, I'm just happy to "talk to you" again.. -JW

Oh my gosh, Sherlock, I miss you so much I'm barely able to stand without thinking about you. I want you to come back. -JW

But I know you won't come back. Gosh, Sherlock, I love you so much... I wish you were here with me, just having you close to me would make me happy. -JW

Like I said by your grave, one more miracle, Sherlock? Just come back. Just don't be dead. Don't, please, please, don't be dead. -JW

I'll talk to you soon... Love you, bye. -JW


Hey, Sherlock. Some exciting things happened today. I met someone. I think of you every day I'm with her, I can't stand the idea of being with someone who isn't you. -JW

But our relationship is working out, I think you would like her. She's kind and beautiful, but not nearly as gorgeous as you. -JW

I'll talk with you later, Sher. -JW


I'm still with Mary. I'm thinking of maybe breaking things off with her. I love you too much to do this. But my relationship is going so well with Mary and I just keep thinking of you. I love you. -JW


I'm marrying her. I wish you could be here for this. -JW

I'm going to ask her tomorrow. It's going to be great. -JW

I love you too. -SH


I'm coming back soon, John. I'm sorry, you're getting married. I shouldn't have said that but you expressed it so many times. I miss you, too, I'm coming home. I'll be there tomorrow, wait for me at the flat. I want to see you and hear you I miss being close to you. -SH

Okay, okay, I'll break up with her-- oh gosh I'm crying of joy I'm so glad you're coming back! -JW

I'm glad I'm coming back, too. -SH

See you tomorrow. -JW

Don't get rid of the engagement ring, John. You'll still need it. -SH

I love you. -JW

I love you, too. -SH
