
“Hey, John,” Sherlock said, walking over to his boyfriend and sitting on his lap. He closed his eyes, kissing his neck softly. John looked at him and smiled.

“Hello, Love.” John hummed.

“What were you doing?” Sherlock asked, trailing a hand down John's chest and then curving it around his side to rest it against his hips.

“Just relaxing. I was reading before, but you sat on my book.” He answered.

Sherlock sat up and bit and took out John's book, he laughed and curled up on John's lap. “Sowwie.” He said.

“It's okay.” John took the book from Sherlock's hand and set it on the coffee table.

“Do you want to spend a little bit of time with me?” He asked softly, kissing John's jawline.

“I'm going to want more than a little bit of time if you keep kissing me so seductively like that.”

Sherlock winked and connected their lips. John closed his eyes and kissed Sherlock back, wrapping arms around him.

They kissed for a few minutes, but it didn't seem like long enough for the two of them. Sherlock brought a hand up to John's head and put it in his hair, twisting it between his fingers. John smiled, looking down at his boyfriend.

“You look very handsome.” Sherlock commented.

“Thank you,” John said, kissing him again. They stayed like that for a few more minutes, Sherlock's hands somehow finding their way under his shirt and one in his trousers.

Sherlock nodded against the kiss.s, pulling John closer.

“You look handsome, too.” John mumbled, deepening the kiss and playing with his boyfriend’s tongue. Sherlock pressed John against his chair and kissed him a with a little more force. John gladly allowed Sherlock, he loved how involved the man got when it came to them kissing. “You’re very affectionate today,”

“I know,” Sherlock whispered, straddling John’s lap and keeping his hands under his clothes. John leant up and and kissed him again, running a hand through his precious hair. Sherlock moved his head towards John’s hand and smiled softly. “Love you,” Sherlock hummed.

“Love you too, Dear.” John set his hands on Sherlock’s thighs and stared up at him.

“Want to go on a date later?” Sherlock asked, kissing John’s lips again.

“I’d love to.” John snaked his arms around Sherlock’s arse and pulled him closer.

“Wonderful.” Sherlock grinned.
