4.I'm Bored

Sherlock's POV

John and I had nothing to do on this particular day.

It was storming pretty hard outside.

John was sitting on his chair and typing up his blog, most likely telling everyone about our latest adventure.

I'm in the kitchen, messing around with my chemistry set. "Johhhnn." I call out.

"Mhm.." John mumbled. Was to busy to look over his chair at me?

"I'm so bored." I say and pull off the rubber gloves I had equipped to keep my hands safe. I also take off the goggles and set them on the table, right above the gloves.

"I know. You're always bored." He says and I walk up to the back of his chair.

I lay my hands on John's shoulder to get him to look up. He does and I shift over to In front of the chair. I crawl down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

I watch his face turn red. "I'm boredddd." I cry out and hang on the doctor's body.

He is shocked and doesn't move. I snap my fingers in front of his face. "John. John. John!"

"Oh! Uhh--" He blushes up more and I put my legs over his.

"Will you cure my boredom?" I stare into his eyes.

"Yes." He responds quickly.

I smile and snuggle up to him. He puts his arms around me. He's more warm then I would have ever thought. Must be the adorable sweaters he is always wearing.
