37.Parent!Lock and Cancer

A/U To make all of you fangirls cry :')   Btw I am too lazy to correct ANNNYYYTHING so just like, comment if I mess up grammar or I spelled something wrong. Thanks.

"Mr. Holmes, your tumor tested to be malignant."

Sherlock stared at the doctor with shock, he looked towards his husband for comfort. This means he has cancer-- he didn't know what type, but he did have cancer.

John seemed absolutely bewildered by the news. He seemed to be plummeting into a world of dread just from the news. "What do we tell the kids?" He asked slowly, taking his love's hand in his own.

"I don't know. Mycroft might have to take care of them for awhile..." Sherlock's direction turned back to his doctor.

"We'll perform some surgery. It might take away before you're completely cancer-free. If that doesn't​ work you wouldn't mind the radiation, or the chemotherapy if it got that bad?"

Sherlock shook his head, squeezing John's hand tightly. "I need to survive for my family, I can deal with whatever treatments I would need to go through."

"Perfect. We'll schedule your appointment for tomorrow, would you like to stay in the hospital?"

"I would, thank you." John frowned and looked down to Sherlock. The doctor nodded and walked out of the room. Sherlock took the moment to bring John's lips to his own. "I love you. I'll get through this for you baby."

John choked back a few sobs and kissed Sherlock back. "I'll take care of the kids for tonight, and come back tomorrow in time for the surgery."

"Thank you, love." Sherlock smiled and laid his head on John's shoulder. "You're a fabulous husband, do you know that?"

John kissed Sherlock again, "I can say the same for you. I love you."

"Bring Hamish and Rosie in here so I can say goodnight to them."

"Alright." John went out and to the waiting room where his son and daughter were playing with Uncle Mycroft. "Sherlock wishes to see you." Rosamund ran to John's feet, Hamish waddled over to John with his small legs and held up his arms.

John picked him up and took Rosamund's hand, "You too, Mycroft."

Mycroft nodded slowly, using his umbrella to help him up from the chair. He didn't say a word and just followed John to Sherlock's room. Mycroft had always cared about his brother. He didn't know what he would do if he had died to a stupid disease. Sherlock had to live, he had to... he had to. Mycroft can afford the best possible treatment for his dear baby brother, he could make sure that this cancer thing would regret entering Sherlock's body.

"Daddah!" Hamish said from John's arms, reaching out to Sherlock. Rosamund ran up to the side of the bed and stared at Sherlock.

"Are you okay, dadlock?" She asked, skimming over his body for any clues.

"No, I'm not." Sherlock leaned over and kissed his daughter's forehead. "I've got cancer. It's a bad thing, but I will live. Don't worry."

Rose didn't particularly know what cancer was, she only nodded and took his hand. "You better live."

John went up to the side of the bed and handed Sherlock their baby son. Sherlock smiled and held him gingerly. "Hello little man," Hamish giggled and wrapped his small fingers around Sherlock's hand. Rosie took John to the side to ask him a bit about cancer.

"Dah! Dah!" Hamish said and hugged Sherlock's arm. Sherlock smiled, cradling the small baby boy in his hands.

"Hamie! Hamie!" Sherlock booped Hamish's nose, making him giggle more. His cute giggles surely lifted the severity of the horrible news. Rosie looked back at Sherlock with wide, teary eyes.

"Dadlock!" She cried and hurried back to him, stuffing her head into his arms. "Stay strong!"

John noticed how this entire time Mycroft was just staring mindlessly at Sherlock. He took him into the hall for a quick talk. "Are you alright?" John asked him.

"Of course I'm alright-- my brother has cancer! Oh what a blessing!" Mycroft crossed his arms and looked back inside the room.

"I know, Mycroft. I love him too, but he'll make it through this. We just need to believe in him."

"What will that do?!" Mycroft huffed and walked back into the room, he went to the side of the bed Rosie wasn't at and stared down to his brother. "Brothermine..."

Sherlock looked up at him with a smile, "Yes?" He asked, smoothly rocking Hamish back and forth.

Mycroft sighed. "Get well soon. I will kill you if you die." And with that, Mycroft left the room. John scoffed and crossed his arms. If Sherlock did die, which John was determined to help him out the best he could and not think of those thoughts, then Mycroft would kill him again. Hell! Why not get everyone to take a stab at him?

John sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Rosie onto his lap, "Sherlock is going to stay overnight in the hospital. Over the next few months... or years... Sherlock might come here a lot. Uncle Mycroft may have to watch over you for quite a few nights, or your GodFather, Lestrade, might take you in a few nights."

"Alright, dad." Rosie looked to her cancer infected father and gave him a broken smile, "Get well soon. Hamish can't grow up without you as a father, and John would die of grief and I would have to live in an alleyway with a blind cat."

Sherlock nodded. "I'll be fine." He frowned and looked at the sleeping boy in his arms."I'll make sure that I'll come back to the flat."

"Okay." Rosie took John's hand and jumped off the bed. "Goodnight, dadlock."

"Night, Rosie." John smiled and carefully took Hamish out of Sherlock's arms.

"I'll be back tomorrow to help you through the surgery." John connected their faces and gave a sweet, caring kiss to his husband before leaving. "Mycroft will take care of you little monsters tomorrow," He whispered to Rosie, as to not wake up his soon he said it quietly. But Sherlock could hear him.

Sherlock sighed. He wanted his family to stay. "John..." He said, reaching out his arm. John stopped in his tracks and looked back.

"Everything alright, love?"

"Stay here with me..." John frowned, looking at the children. "Please. I don't want to sleep here alone..." John noticed he was crying. He frowned and walked up to him.

"I love you just enough to stay the night." He cupped Sherlock's cheekbones with one hand(Hamish was still sleeping soundly in John's arms), "I'll tell Mrs. Hudson to come and pick up Rosie and Hamish." He kissed Sherlock.

"Thank you." Sherlock nuzzled into John. Rosie crawled up on the bed and they had a big family hug moment.

Mrs. H came by and picked up the kids, but she refused to leave until she saw Sherlock. Once she was satisfied by her request, she took the kids and left. John slept in the chair next to the bed, he didn't let go of Sherlock's hand, he wouldn't let go of it.

Sherlock's face was covered in kisses from his lover, who couldn't bare to hear his husband had cancer.

Every single day Sherlock spent in the hospital John wouldn't leave. They made a fairly equal compromise-- John would stay in the hospital with Sherlock as long as he would start to care about keeping the flat safe for Hamish... Who could easily waddle up to one of Sherlock's experiments and have his skin chewed off by acid, or have his little heart explode of fear because a dead man's head just landed in front of him.

John would continue to make Sherlock feel better, kissing him sweetly and nuzzling and snuggling, but he would be careful the entire time. Molly, Mycroft, Lestrade, Sally, Anderson(ugh), Mrs. Hudson, Rosie, Hamish, his mummy and father, quite a few of his old clients, and some Johnlock shippers would visit him in the hospital.

After another year of this process Sherlock was fine-- Cancer would never leave his body, and could be brought back, but for the rest of his life he would try and avoid it. When he came home after the doctors cleared him everything was absolutely perfect.

Rosie ran up to him and forced him in a hug, Hamish quietly crawled over to him and sat on his foot, and John kissed him and wrapped his arms around Sherlock.

"Are you fine, dadlock?"

"I'm fine." Sherlock put his hands on John's sides and kissed him again. "I'm happy to be home." He scooped up Hamish and bent down to Rosie's size. "I love you guys." Sherlock said with a smile and hugged Rosie. John joined in the big family hug.

"I love you, honey." John whispered

"I also love you." Said Rosie with a smile.

"I wov you!" Hamish giggled and played with Sherlock's fluffy hair. 
