
“Want to watch something together to pass the time?” John suggested after a little while of debating what to do.

“Okay,” Sherlock pecked a kiss onto John's head.

John smiled and they went over to the couch, sat down, and turned something on.

Sherlock leaned on John's shoulder, allowing him to put an arm around his and play with his hair.

John flipped through channels, looking through the bad stuff to find something they could tolerate.

“Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad,” commented Sherlock on about everything.

“That's why we call it crap telly.”


A few more minutes of flipping through channels later, Sherlock made John stop on a detective story.

John didn't care that Sherlock picked that one, he would most likely deduct it. John loved his deductions, they were brilliant.

Without noticing, John cuddled up to Sherlock's side, tucking up close to him.

Sherlock stopped for moment and stole a kiss from John's lips. Then he continued, but now he had John in his arms and he was speaking quietly.

The warmth of Sherlock made John happy, happy that he was close enough to Sherlock to feel him. He inched impossibly closer and kissed Sherlock's cheek.

He seemed to enjoy the comfort and John kissed his neck, then his left cheekbone.

Sherlock's skin was so soft and warm. John just wanted to continue kissing him, but he didn't. Besides, Sherlock was busy deducting about the random shoe he spotted behind a bush. He over analyzes things like that, but that was a part of him John loved.

“You know, I think they just forgot to take that out and no one saw it,” Sherlock suddenly said.


“It was just set there by a stranger,” Sherlock said quickly, turning and kissing John's lips. “You're evil, you know. I just can't resist you.” Sherlock kissed John again, putting his arms around him.

“Haha, I'm sorry.”

“Don't be sorry, John, it's adorable. Plus I'd rather be with you than the telly.”

“Really?” John asked, kissing Sherlock back.

“Absolutely.” Sherlock cupped John's face.

“That's good to know,” John leaned his face into Sherlock's warm hands. “I'd rather be here with you than anywhere else.”

“I would rather be here with you, too,” Sherlock nuzzled John's neck.

“Good.” John kissed the side of Sherlock's head while it was next to him.

“I love you.” Sherlock whispered into John's ear.

“I love you, too.” John leaned in for a kiss but Sherlock backed away.

He teased his boyfriend, keeping his lips away from John's.

“Sheeeerlock!” John whined, putting his hands behind Sherlock's head and trying to pull him down.

“Hahah,” Sherlock giggled, keeping away from John.

“Sherllll...” John frowned, “You can't say you love me and then not want me to kiss you.”

“I do want you to kiss me.”

“Then kiss me!”

“No, you have to wait for it.” Sherlock said with a cute giggle, booping John's nose.

“Oh, you devil.” John crossed his arms.

Sherlock laughed, nuzzling John then kissing the corner of his mouth.

“More than that.” John said with an expression of wanting.

“Alright,” Sherlock gave his boyfriend a sweet, passionate kiss,

He laid down John and cuddled him gently, not releasing his lips.

John pressed his body into Sherlock’s, “Morrrreee.”

“Aha, you're so cute. Okay, I'll give you more because I loooove you!”

Sherlock smiled and opened his mouth, allowing John's tongue to enter.

They fought for dominance, holding each other closely as they did.

John closed his eyes, cupping Sherlock's cheeks. He only backed up a bit before continuing to fight lovingly with Sherlock.

“Mm,” John loved the taste of Sherlock, he loved being so close, he loved being loved.

Sherlock started to stroke the back of John's head with his left hand, the other resting gently on his chest.

Once Sherlock was in need of air he pushed away softly.

John finally let him go. “Sorry…” he said sheepishly, “You're my boyfriend, you're not only here to kiss me.”

“Shut up,” Sherlock said, brushing his lips against John's for another kiss.


“I said shut up. I'm here to make you happy and if kissing you does just that then…” Sherlock kissed John again, rubbing the back of his head. “then I'll do that. And don't be sorry, dear, because I really love the feeling of your lips against mine.”

A smile appeared on John's face. “I'm happy you say so,” he smoothed out Sherlock's hair. “I really am, I love you so much, I just don't want you to think that you're only here to pleasure me.”

“You want me to?” Sherlock asked, with a hint of suggestion.

John's face turned red. “W-what?”

Sherlock let his hand slide down John's side. Once he reached a bit below his abdomen Sherlock rose a brow in question.

“Oh.” John said, finally understanding what Sherlock meant.

A smirk played with Sherlock's smile.

“Alright.” John put his hands around Sherlock's back and pulled him down. “Conquer me then.”
