94.Rainy Walking

“Let's go out,” Sherlock said, jumping up from his position on his chair.

“What?” John asked, looking up to the bored detective.

“I said, let's go out. On a walk or something, is that okay with you?” Sherlock grabbed his jacket and tied his scarf around his neck.

“Uhm, sure,” John stood up. He smiled and Sherlock led him outside.

They went to the park and started walking down a path. It was nice out, birds chirping, flowers surrounding them.

A little while after they arrived at the park, it started to drizzle a bit. At first they didn't mind, but it quickly turned into more than a drizzle.

Immediately they were soaked. John shivered, it got cold real fast.

Sherlock frowned, he took off his coat and handed it to John.

John smiled and took the coat, he put it over the both of them and nestled close to Sherlock.

“C-cold…” John mumbled, closing his eyes and pressing closer to Sherlock.

“I know,” Sherlock whispered, putting an arm around John. He liked this, he enjoyed being so close to John.

They couldn't run or they'd slip, but they fast walked back to the flat.

The rain fell down harder, panging against the two men.

Sherlock held onto John tightly, “You're going to slip, John.”

“I know.” John gripped onto Sherlock, slowing down a bit. They hopped into a gazebo and sat down, water still soaking through their clothes.

John continued to share the coat between himself and Sherlock. To keep warm, they both agreed on staying close to each other.

So John curled up next to Sherlock, and Sherlock leaned over to lay himself a bit over John. Before they knew it, the rain was stopping. Sherlock smiled and sat up, wiping a few rain drops from his face.

He looked down at John, who had accidentally fallen asleep.

“Cute,” Sherlock mumbled and picked up John. He smiled and carried him back home, setting him down on the couch and putting a few warm blankets over him.

John woke up later, Sherlock had fallen asleep in his chair, shivering and cold. John didn't know why Sherlock fell asleep there, so he took a deep breath and stood up.

Quietly, John took the blankets and set them over Sherlock, but not before laying down on his lap and falling asleep.

Sherlock didn't wake up until hours later, he felt something wet on his lap and pulled a few blankets away. He smiled at the sight of John.

“Wake up, John.” Sherlock said, and when John didn’t wake up he sighed quietly, laying down and cuddling with the small man.

They slept peaceful for the rest of the day.
