
Hey everyone! Guess whattt? I’m feeling more productive! I’m getting SOME ideas of things to write. Well, anyways, you don’t care about how I feel you came here for Johnlock. So why are you even still reading this? Get into the fanfiction already, jeez.


John pressed Sherlock up against the wall, smirking. Sherlock rose a brow and looked at the man holding him against the flat’s wall.

Sherlock cleared his throat. “Uhh, John.”

“What?” John asked, frowning a bit and tilting his head.

“Mrs Hudson and Rosie could see us if you start making out with me in the living room.”

John blushed. “Uh, yes, you’re right.” He stepped back.

“Ugh,” Sherlock sighed, looking down. “I’ve made this awkward. Let’s just go into my room.” He took John by the collar of his jumper and dragged him away.

“Oh, uh,” John let Sherlock drag him to the room.

When Sherlock took John into his room he locked the doors before pressing his back against the wall. “Okay. Do as you wish.” He said, staring at John.

“Okay, now this is just awkward.” John commented.

“I ruin everything.” Sherlock sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides.

“No, no you don’t..” John pressed Sherlock against the wall and started kissing his neck.

“Yes I do.” Sherlock said, closing his eyes. John smiled against his boyfriend’s pale skin.

“No, this is fine. You were right, we would have both been embarrassed if Mrs Hudson walked in on us. It’s good that you moved us to your room.” He said, putting a hand on Sherlock’s thigh.

“Mmm, yeah.” Sherlock set both his hands on John’s side. “Mrs Hudson would have never let us forget.”

John laughed and nodded. “Yeah, and Rosie would have been scarred.” he put his other hand around Sherlock’s neck, pulling him down and connecting their lips. Sherlock closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around John.

When Sherlock pulled away, John pressed him back against the wall. He brushed his leg against Sherlock’s and smirked, he bent down and kissed Sherlock’s stomach. Sherlock closed his eyes tightly and let John take off his shirt. John left a trail of kisses on his boyfriend’s stomach then to his collarbone.

Sherlock felt a shiver through his body, he pursed his lips and let out a small moan as John started to press his fingers on his side, massaging him. John smiled when he heard Sherlock, so he continued and as he did so, he connected their lips.

John deepened the kiss and pressed on his boyfriend’s side. Sherlock moaned again, closing his eyes and letting John’s tongue out of his mouth. He looked up with closed eyes, John took the opportunity and kissed Sherlock’s neck.

“Mmmm, John~!” Sherlock said through pursed lips, sliding his hands down John’s body and clenching onto him. John smiled against Sherlock’s neck and let his hands slide down both sides of Sherlock’s pants.

Sherlock squirmed a bit then moved his hand into John’s trousers and the other one up his shirt, brushing his leg on John’s and keeping it against him.

Both of them were pretty distracted with each other when they heard a knock on the door. John accidentally bit down on Sherlock’s lip which made him jump back and yelp. John let him go and took his hands out of Sherlock’s pants. Sherlock quickly picked up his shirt and put it back on. John sighed and went to the door. “Hello?”

Rosamund was there, she looked up at John and frowned. “I thought ‘Lock was going to hurt you. He dragged you in here pretty forcefully.”

John’s face turned red. He shook his head, “He wanted to show me a video he found on the internet. Why don’t we get you to bed, Sweetheart?”

“No, I’m hungry.” She said and crossed her arms. John sighed and left Sherlock’s bedroom, he fixed his clothes as he went to the kitchen. He washed his hands and started making food for his daughter.

Sherlock peeked out of the bedroom and saw Rosamund. “Hey Rosie. You ruined my chances with John.” He mumbled.

“Don’t touch my dad.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” Sherlock stuck out his tongue. “You’re nine.”

“I saw him push you against the wall. Think I didn’t know what you were trying to do?”

“Jesus Christ. What kind of child did that man raise?” Sherlock glanced at John then picked Rosamund up. “Alright, Rosie. We speak of this to nobody.”

“Give me money and I’ll swear not to talk.” Rosamund smiled smugly.

“You’re a smart kid, Rosie.”

“You’re a dirty man, ‘Lock.”

“I am not. He was the one to start it!” Sherlock said quietly.

“You were the one to allow it!” Rosamund squirmed out of Sherlock’s arms. “And I bet you were touching him too. Ew.”

“You are NINE!” He said, going to the kitchen next to John and washing his hands before going back to Rosamund. “What exposed you to this?!”

“Wattpad did.” She answered simply.

Sherlock facepalmed. “Go to bed.”

“Daddy is making me food.” She said with a innocent smile.

Sherlock picked her back up and set her at the kitchen table. John gave her some food and she ate quickly then they both put her upstairs and made her sleep. After that, Sherlock went to his bedroom. John followed and fell asleep cuddled up to him.
