
Idea from my wonderful sibling, RHYME_Noiz

“So,” John said, trying to fill in silence. He stood up quietly and walked up to the kitchen were Sherlock was doing an experiment.

“So?” Sherlock asked, messing around with some chemicals.

“Well I was hoping we could do something…”

“Like what?”

John gulped, sweating a bit as he knew exactly what he wanted but he didn't know about Sherlock. He was 100% sure about the answer, but still felt awkward about doing this.

“Alright, Sherlock,” he took a moment to collect himself. “I want you to be at my wedding.”

“As best man again? Wait, have you been dating someone?”

“No,” John gets on one knee and takes out a velvet case. “As my groom.”

Sherlock looked shocked, they weren't even dating. He took of his goggles and gloves, turning and staring at John.

He tilted his head. “Are you serious, John?”

John felt something clog his throat from letting words come out. He nodded slowly to answer Sherlock's question.

Sherlock listened to the sizzling of the chemicals to the side of him as he stared at John.

He couldn't find the place to speak, John started to get impatient. The thought of Sherlock actually denying him…

“Yes,” Sherlock suddenly said, sounding calm but also choking it out. Sherlock dropped so he was sitting on the ground with John. “Yes, yes, yes!!”

John smiled, hugging Sherlock. “Oh, Sherlock… I'm sorry about this being so sudden--” Sherlock pressed their lips together, cupping John's face. They closed their eyes and John moved his hands to Sherlock's face, holding his cheeks gently.

Another kiss, and another. The two seemed to get lost in the other.

“John…” Sherlock mumbled through one of their kisses.


He connected their lips again, brushing his hands through John's hair. “I love you.”

There must've been a confused look on John's face, he wasn't particularly expecting Sherlock to say anything so quickly.

“I-I love you, too…”

Sherlock smiled, licking his lips. A shiver went through John's spine, he smiled a bit and stared at Sherlock's face.

John put his arms around Sherlock, tilting his head and kissing him again.

They were already on the ground, and Sherlock took advantage of that. Although it was the kitchen floor he didn't care, he pushed down John, trapping him between the ground and himself.

“U-uh-- Sherlock…”

“Hush now, John,” Sherlock kissed John again, loving the taste and feel of him.

It felt so right to have John trapped underneath him. He didn't want to take it too far though, they were never even boyfriends.

With a sigh Sherlock rolled off of John.

Immediately John missed the warmth of Sherlock.

He didn't know why he asked this, maybe it was just the daze of Sherlock’s kisses, but he still asked it; “W-why'd you get off me…?”

A confused look appeared on Sherlock's face. “You-- you wanted me on you...?” John nodded solemnly. “Oh, alright.” Sherlock smiled, sitting up. He pulled John up to his chest then stood, picking up John bridal style. John twirled Sherlock's hair in a circle and kissed his temple.


“Yes, please.”
