131.Making Tea Then Making Out

"You want some tea?" John asked, standing up and going to the kitchen.

"Yes please, and thank you." Sherlock said, looking back at John and watching him walk to the kitchen.

"Alright." He said, boiling the water.

Sherlock stared at John, watching as he made the tea. Quietly, Sherlock stood up and walked to the kitchen. He put his hands on John's arms and turned him around.

John stared up at Sherlock, smiling slightly. "Hey." He said.

"Hello." Sherlock said, leaning down and kissing his boyfriend's cheek.

"Don't try and distract me," John said, putting his arms over Sherlock's shoulders and kissing him back.

"I'm not trying, I'm already succeeding." Sherlock said, connecting their lips and closing his eyes. John chuckled slightly and held Sherlock's sides, pulling him close.

Sherlock pressed John against the counter and kissed him softly. John wrapped his legs around Sherlock's back and held onto him.

John tilted his head a bit and closed his eyes, letting Sherlock caress his side and hold him up on the counter.

A few minutes later, the tea was finished. John nuzzled Sherlock's neck and kissed his shoulder, getting himself off the counter and looking up at Sherlock. He made the cups of tea.

A/N Lazy author here! I'm done writing and I'm not going to write anymore for today. 'Kay bye. ;u;
