42.Fighting For Love

Mary stormed out of the flat, leaving John and Sherlock alone.

"Well I sure got her mad," Sherlock mumbled. John nodded.

"I should go after her."

Sherlock strolled to the window and looked out it. "She's just standing outside."

John sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "I'll talk to her."

Sherlock rolled his eyes and went to the couch. John was about to walk out when Mary opened the door and appeared again. "Come on, John."

"Of course," John left with Mary. Sherlock was left to stand all by his lonesome, watching the man he secretly felt for leave with the woman whom he hated so much.

Sherlock sighed and pulled his robe over him, readying to wait another few days or weeks before John came back, he had father duties to complete, a wife to stand by, and a job to do. So the daily agenda for cases get jumbled up.

It was nearly an hour before John came back, though, he came crawling through the door and stumbled up to the unresponsive Sherlock. He collapsed on top of him, awaking him from his Mind Palace.

Sherlock rolled over and met John's gaze. He had not a moment to react before the doctor buried his face into his chest. Sherlock noticed he was crying. "John?" He asked.

"Mhm?" John mumbled quietly.

"Why are you on me? Why'd you come back so soon? And most importantly, why are you crying? John, what happened?"

John stayed quiet for a moment before putting his hands in Sherlock's curly hair. "I'm on you because it just so happens that my chair is too far away for such a lazy man as myself to walk over there, I came back sooner because Mary, and..."


"And because she hurt me." Sherlock frowned and put his arms around John gently.

"Where did she hurt you?" John lifted his bruised face and stared at Sherlock. "That bitch," Sherlock mumbled.

They stayed on the couch for a little while longer, Sherlock soothed John's crying and wiped the tears off his face. John smiled and lightly blushed.

Mary then burst through the door, making John jump and fall off the couch. "John Watson! What are you doing?"

"Mary! Why are you here?" John asked, standing up.

"Well where else would you go?" She walked over to John and took his wrist. "Back home. Now. I don't want you to come back to this flat ever again!"

"You're not my mother!" John pulled away from her, narrowing his eyes on her. Sherlock started to take action now, he stood up in between the two.

"Mary, John, now let's just reason here--" Mary punched his face, hard. Very hard. Sherlock gasped and stared at her, moving his hand to his cheeks. "Ow!!!" Sherlock's nose started bleeding and he rushed into the kitchen.

John and Mary made intense eye contact, telling each other through their stares to stop this nonsense.

Sherlock came back with a paper towel held under his nose. He glared at Mary and watched the two as they broke out in a fight. Ugh. Married people.

It ended up with Mary again, grabbing John's wrist and trying to lead him out. But he had other plans, he wanted to stay.

John turned the hand she had grabbed in a circular motion, grabbed her wrist, put his other hand on her shoulder, and pulled her down. She was just about to fight back when John kicked her stomach and she fell to the floor, she wasn't expecting John to put up a real fight.

Sherlock smiled and nodded approvingly, she was the one to start the fight. Mary got up, scoffed, and left.

John turned around and looked at Sherlock's face. He frowned and closed the door before coming up to him. "Are you okay, Sherlock?"

"Yeah. Yeah." He responded with a smile. John hugged him softly.

"I'm so sorry she came here."

"It's not your fault, John." Sherlock said, wrapping one arm around John and using the other to keep the bloody towel to his face. "Don't worry about it."

John sighed, "Alright. I'm just sorry about her, she can be really mean." Sherlock fought back the urge to tell John 'Yes, she's mean. You ought to find another. Then kiss him. But he only mumbled something. "You know, she's not even that nice to Rosie. She doesn't hurt her or anything but she's generally a bad mom."

Sherlock put his hand on John's neck, "Yeah." He watched as John's face blushed up from the contact. He didn't expect John to respond by laying his arms over his shoulder and connecting their lips.

Sherlock blushed deeply, he backed away after a few moments though. This was wrong, he was married and had a daughter. He looked at John but his eyes fell to his luscious lips. He couldn't resist frowning because they could never be his. John had also frowned when Sherlock backed away.

"I don't want to stay with her, Sherlock." He said. "Can you please be the one to help me take care of Rosie if I get custody of her?"

Sherlock couldn't find the right words to say. He just nodded and kissed John again. "Are you going to divorce her and go marry me right off the bat?"

"No, that'd be wrong." John chuckled and laid his head on Sherlock's chest. "Give it a few months, a year or two."

Sherlock laughed, patting John's back. He rolled up the paper towel and threw it in the trash, then wrapped both his arms around John and laid his head on John's.

"I'd love to see what happens in the future." John said, twirling Sherlock's hair.

"As do I."
