3.Holding Hands

Sherlock and John sit boredly on the couch, watching crap telly.

Sherlock was spouting out nonsense about the characters, plot, and logic of the show.

John sighed, it can be annoying when Sherlock won't shut up during things they watch. Sherlock hugged the pillow he was holding and stared at the telly.

John looked over at Sherlock, why'd he suddenly stop? Now John was missing the nonsense yelling. Sherlock crossed his legs and buried his face in the pillow, groaning.


"Well, if you'd just watch it and not deduct anything it wouldn't be." Replied John.

Sherlock looked up from the pillow and turned to John. They stared at each other for a few moments before Sherlock went back to staring the screen.

Unknown to John, Sherlock lowered his hand and put it over his.

Sherlock continued to watch the show about a weird family doing things. To both men it honestly was boring.

A small red blush spreads onto John's cheeks.

They sit there, eyes glued to the telly and their hands holding the other's. Sherlock's index finger traced small, smooth circles into John's skin, ignoring the blush on his own face.
