5.Watching a Movie

John's POV

Sherlock jumped onto the couch next to me, taking the remote from my hands and putting a disk in the slot, triggering it to change to something else.

"Sherlock?" I ask.

Sherlock leans on my shoulder and puts a warm bowl of popcorn on my lap. I say his name again.

He points the remote to the screen and presses a button, the movie started.

A few minutes in I find myself putting my arm over Sherlock. I don't question his weirdness anymore and just let it happen. He probably won't talk.

Sherlock cuddles up to my chest and watches the movie boredly.

I notice what he put on now, it was my favourite movie I always watched on lonely Valentines days and when I was In school, I watched when I got rejected from girls I asked to prom or on dates.

It was a romantic movie, the usual. Guy does something and wins the girl. At the end they kiss and get married.

It's near the end now and I see Sherlock is masking his pain, obviously trying to not scream out deductions. He's probably crying inside and regretting putting this on.

I start to think of how much more enjoyable watching this with someone else is than watching it alone is when suddenly, as the part where they kiss comes up Sherlock takes my eyes off the screen by moving my face to look into his. He kisses me gently.

He lets me go a few seconds later as the man in the movie is proposing to his love, he pulls out a small box, opening it right in front of my face.
