178.Leaf Pile

“Dadlock! Look at the pile of leaves!” Rosamund exclaimed, pointing to the pile.

“You wouldn't want to interrupt our walk by jumping in bug-infested leaves.” Sherlock said, pulling his stepdaughter away from it.


“No, we have to meet up with your father-- hey-- Rosamund!” The little girl wiggled out of Sherlock’s grasp and ran to the leaves, jumping into them.

“Woohoo!” She yelled. Sherlock mumbled something and went up to the leaf pile, picking the girl up and carrying her away. She started struggling to get out if Sherlock's arms, and that's when he heard a really loud whistle and somebody ran up to them, punching Sherlock in the face and knocking them over.

“Are you okay little girl?” He asked, shielding Rosamund from Sherlock. “Did the big scary man hurt you?”

Rosamund started crying, Sherlock sat up and moved the person away, trying to get to her, but they blocked him.

“You shouldn't kidnap children.” Said the man, still protecting Rosamund.

“She's my stepdaughter!” Sherlock said, trying to reach her.

“Then why was she in that pile of leaves in this property?”

“She really wanted to jump in it, but we have to meet up with her father. Come on, Rosamund, let's go find Daddy.” He said, calming her down. She nodded and hugged Sherlock tightly, taking his hand. They walked away quietly.

Sherlock was annoyed that someone thought he was kidnapping Rosamund. But, they eventually met up with John and everything was fine again.
