
Sherlock looked into his empty microscope, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently as he waited for Molly to come back with the reports. When he heard the little taps on the floor of her shoes, he jumped from his stool and went to stand next to her.

"Uh, hello Sherlock." Molly said, staring up at him.

"File, please. Molly. I am working on a schedule here I have places to be and people to deduct!"

"Yes, right." Molly handed him the files. "Uh, Sherlock... I-I, uh, wanted to ask you something..."

"Did you buy new shoes?" Sherlock asked, looking down. "The footsteps as you walked sounded different than usual."

"Yes, actually. I-I did.. But can I ask you something?"

"Oh of course." Sherlock looked up at his friend. "What is it?" He asked, already knowing what the question was. God, it was obvious!

"Well, my friends are holding a party this weekend and... I-I wanted to know if you would come with me to it... l-like as my date..."

Sherlock sighed, stepping back and putting his head down, he folded one arm across his chest and rested his elbow on his arm as he let his face in his hand. "Molly. Isn't this obvious enough."


"I am GAY." Sherlock said, looking at Molly. "I thought everyone knew that!"

"O-oh..." Molly's face turned a bright shade of red and she ran off. Sherlock rolled his eyes and turned around, taking the files with him. He walked home and the first thing he did was kiss John.

Just to make sure everyone knows he's gay from after that.

Because Sherlock is gay.

And does not love women.

Especially not Irene.

Or Molly.

Only John.

John. >:)

A/N..... Ugh, I hate Adlock and Sherolly so much it's just disgusting to me. The idea is just, EW.
