35.Attacked From The Sea

Sherlock stood at the plank, he was completing his lifelong dream-- dream of being a pirate that is. His husband, John was also present on the ship, as was Mycroft, Lestrade, and Molly.

Everybody had their own room for their ship; Johnlock got their own room, Mystrade their own, and Molly cried in her own room with a dead human's head because she wants Sherlock but he's gay and married. But, as everything is, their vacation was going to be destroyed.

The waves crashed to the side of the boat, Sherlock had to catch his balance so he wouldn't fall off. "Sher!" John yells. "Get down from there!"

Sherlock looks back, his depth perception was quite bad because the eye patch he was wearing. "John!" Sherlock skipped happily to John's side and cupped his face, giving him a gentle kiss. "I love it out here." John sighed and hugged Sherlock.

"I know you do, dear. But Mystrade and Molly look like they've had enough."

"But Jawwwwnnnn...." Sherlock looks back to 'the plank' "A little longer?"

"We're in the middle of the oc--" The ship rocks, John hugged Sherlock tightly. "I'm going to get seasick, honey."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Just go inside our room and relax."

"Alright." John huffs, then the ship rocks violently. He hugs Sherlock harder and whimpers. "Ahh!" Sherlock smiled, rubbing John's back.

"Oh, lovey. You're adorable. Go rest."


Mycroft and Lestrade look around, Sherlock goes to the side and looks into the ocean. A bunch of mermaids are banging on the boat. "Holy carp!"

"What?" John waddles up to Sherlock and attaches himself to his husband's side. "What the hell...?"

Everyone else come to the end of the ship, the ship rocks again and Molly falls off. (Sorry I hate Molly, deal with it.)

Lestrade looks shocked, "Molly!" The mermaids kill her quickly. The water is filled with blood. "Oh my gosh!"

"Oh gee...." Sherlock mumbled, John gasped.

"Oh my!" John squeaked and held onto Sherlock with all the strength he had. Everyone ran away from that and Sherlock took the wheel.

"We're getting out of here!" He yelled, starting to move the boat away.

"Y-yeah!" Lestrade attached himself to Mycroft's side, he dragged Mycroft to their room and they hid in there.

John didn't leave Sherlock's side, and he refused to. He helped steer and they spotted land.

"Land a'hoy!" Sherlock gave the wheel to John and looked over to the ocean, "They're still here!"

"Fire the cannons!" John yelled. Sherlock went back up to John and hugged him, giving him kisses. "Uh, Sher?"

"Make it cannon." John giggled kissed Sherlock's cheek.

"we're already cannon. Fire the other ones, please?"

Sherlock smirked and started pulling the cannons at the mermaids. They hit the mermaids, blood filled the water. "Oh, this is fun..." He smiled and continued firing the cannons at the mermaids until John was at land.

They hopped off, and scurried back to the flat.

"Babies," Sherlock teased to Mycroft and Lestrade. The scoffed and let it roll off their shoulders.
