148.Truth Or Dare

I gave you the choice to be in this chapter but it looks like I’ll have to give credit to @obsessedminddumpster  for letting me use his OCs… Too bad for you guys, HAH.

“Okay, Sherlock… Truth or dare?” Aliester asked.

“This game is stupid. All you guys ask and dare is things about relationsh--”

TRUTH or DARE.” Aliester repeated.

“Dare.” The detective mumbled and crossed his arms bitterly.

“I dare you to kiss John.”

“I knew it! Come here, John,” He took John by the shoulders and connected their lips. John’s face turned pink and he froze.

Aliester smiled happily. “Okay, Sherlock, good job--” He stared at them with a blank face.

Now John had his arms around Sherlock’s neck and they were kissing passionately. Sherlock wrapped his arms around John’s waist and pushed him into the floor, laying on top of him.

“We should leave them be.” Ayma suggested.

Aliester shrugged, taking out his phone and starting to record. Ayma looked over to the screen then back at Sherlock and John.

“I need to write a fanfiction about this.” She mumbled and stared at the two.

“Don’t get too carried away I’ma upload this on all the social medias I have.” Aliester said and chuckled.

“Saucy.” Ayma giggled.

Sherlock looked up at them and hissed, rolling off John and hiding beside him. John was staring up at the ceiling with a dazed and happy face.

“Did-- did Sherlock Holmes just make out with me?” John asked quietly.

Ayma and Aliester nodded. “Yes.” They both said.

John blushed deeply. “I am a very lucky man then.” He looked over at Sherlock and smiled. Sherlock buried his head in John’s shoulder and sighed.


“Shut up!” Sherlock growled. John giggled and nuzzled Sherlock, moving over to kiss his cheek.
