179.Bath Time

“Sherlock,” John yawned, putting a hand on his boyfriend's bare chest. “Love, wake up.”

“I'm exhausted after last night.” Sherlock said buying his face against John's shoulder.

“Me too.” John whispered, resting his chin on Sherlock's head. “You have the most gorgeous body.” He said, trailing his head down Sherlock's side.

“Thanks,” Sherlock yawned and wrapped his arms around John, pulling him close. John felt their skin brushing together, which was an alluring feeling.

“We have to get up.” John said, putting his hand in Sherlock's hair and playing with the curls softly. “I need to take a bath and get dressed then go to work.”

“Can we take a bath together?” Sherlock asked, looking into John's eyes.

“Alright. But don't do what you did last time.”

“Relax, I couldn't stop myself you looked so sexy.” Sherlock chuckled and took John's hand, staring into his eyes.

“The place was slippery. We could have slipped.”

“On each other.” Sherlock winked.

John rolled his eyes and stood up, “Come on.” He said, smirking. Sherlock sighed and stretched his arms, standing up and walking with his boyfriend. John put water in the bath tub, getting in and waiting for Sherlock.

They were both already naked so they didn't need to bother taking anything off.

Sherlock stepped into the tub and sat down with John, smiling at him. He moved closer and rested his head against John's chest, closing his eyes.

John put some shampoo on his hand, starting to wash Sherlock's curly hair. He knew his boyfriend liked this, and whenever someone was playing with his hair he kind of lost it. In a good way. He'd press his head against their hands, squirm around, try and get more out of the pets.

It was a huge turn on for him, too, and it felt incredibly good. Sherlock leant his head towards John's hand, making soft sounds and squirming around to get more comfortable. John laughed and put Sherlock's hair under water to get the shampoo out. After that, he put the conditioner in.

Sherlock clasped both his hands together and tried not to start moaning and getting a little out of control. John loved seeing Sherlock try so hard for something.

Once he was finished, John kissed Sherlock's forehead and started to wash his own hair. Sherlock closed his eyes and took a few minutes to settle down. John sunk under the water to get the shampoo out, and he could see Sherlock just sitting aside and observing him. John sat back and grabbed the conditioner, but Sherlock stopped him.

“Let me.” Sherlock said, starting to put some of it on John's hair. John closed his eyes tightly and let Sherlock.

It didn't take much longer before they were both done with their hair, but they still had their bodies. Sherlock took the soap and started to clean John, and John started to clean Sherlock.

Once they both finished that, Sherlock wrapped his arms around John and dived on top of him, connecting their lips. John's eyes widened, he wasn't expecting that.

John placed his hands on Sherlock's arse and returned the kiss, being just as passionate and desperate as his boyfriend.

“I love you so much~” Sherlock said through the kiss.

“I love you too,” John said, kissing Sherlock a little harder. Sherlock groaned softly, tilting his head a little.
