
“Sherlock, can you help me with this?” John asked, looking over to his boyfriend.

“What, are you too short?” Sherlock asked, looking up from his book.


“Okay, fine.” Sherlock stood up and walked to John, who was in the kitchen and struggling to get something from a high up cabinet.

Sherlock put an arm around John's shoulders and reached up to get what John was trying to get, some food he needed to make dinner. He gave it to him and John thanked him.

A small smile grew on Sherlock's face and he nodded, “You're welcome.”

John kissed Sherlock's cheek and smiled at him. Sherlock ruffled his hair and went back to reading.

When John was finished cooking, he went over to Sherlock and leant down, kissing him sweetly.

Sherlock tilted his head and kissed back, slowly putting his hands on John's waist.

“Get up, it's time for dinner.” John said through the kiss.

“Just a moment,” Sherlock mumbled, pulling John a little closer.

John rolled his eyes and pulled back. Sherlock stood up and wrapped his arms around John, bringing him in for another kiss. John put his arms around Sherlock and returned the kiss.

After a few minutes, John pulled away again. “The food is getting cold.” He said.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

John kissed Sherlock's cheek and then went to the kitchen. The two of them sat down and started eating.
