96.You Kissed Him!

“You kissed him.”

“Yes, Mary. That makes me a bloody idiot and I know. I didn’t want to be the husband who cheated on his wife, I didn’t, but I didn’t want you to be the wife who shot my best friend either.”

“Friend?” She scoffed and crossed her arms.

“Okay, fine.” John sighed and looked back at Sherlock quickly before back at Mary. “I love him. I love Sherlock Holmes.”

“Unbelievable.” Mary stared at Sherlock. “Did you know about this? Did you know about it before you got him drunk and banged him against the wall?”

“It was just one kiss,” Sherlock sighed, rolling his eyes. He didn’t want to get involved in this relationship quarrel. “John did nothing wrong.”

“Did you know he loved you?” She asked, Sherlock looked up and met her gaze.


“He knew it! He knew you loved him, John.” Mary looked back at her soon-to-be-divorced husband.

“I heard him, I am not deaf, Mary!” John turned and stared at Sherlock. “You knew?”

“I figured you knew the same about me.” Sherlock mumbled and looked away, he didn’t let emotions get to him though and looked straight back to the fighting couple. “Can we just forget this? John, stay with Mary, you have a daughter to take care of.”

“Who do you choose, John?” Mary looked pissed off. “Him, or me.”

John looked back and forth between them. “Uhm…”

“And you can’t talk to the one you don’t pick.” She added and made a sassy look.

“Oh, uhm… er…”

“Just pick already, John. Go up to her and say you’re sorry.”

“Uhm…” John sighed, he shook his head and walked up to Sherlock, pushing him against the wall. “I choose you, idiot.”

“What?! No, you can’t choose me. We’re just friends, she is your wife.”

“She isn’t the right one. If I had to choose, Sherlock Holmes or my wife, I’d go for Sherlock.”

“I am right here!” Mary said, obviously mad by those words.

“I know, Mary,” John looked back at her. He sighed and looked back up at Sherlock. “I choose Sherlock, I’d rather him.” John smirked and pressed his lips against Sherlock’s.

“This is wrong…” Sherlock mumbled, trying to push John away.

“I don’t care. I love you.”

“But you have a wife and daught--” John kissed him again.

“Shut up you fool.” John said, closing his eyes, continuing to kiss Sherlock for a few minutes before backing away.   

Sherlock stayed quiet for a moment, he looked over to Mary and frowned. He mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to her before putting his arms around John and embracing him. Sherlock pulled John into another kiss, this time it was sweet and wanted, and they both desired it.

“I love you, too.” Sherlock mumbled and cupped John’s cheeks. John closed his eyes and leaned against Sherlock’s chest, allowing him to step away from the wall.

“Uhm, Mary--”

“We’re getting a divorce!”

“Yeah, that’s what I was suggesting.”

Sherlock frowned. He shouldn’t have done this, but John was just so.. soft, and welcoming, comfortable, warm, sweet… Sherlock smiled softly, he had always needed John in his life, but would this turn into something more?

“I'm sorry, Mary--” John tried apologising, Mary cut him off.

“No, John, don't apologise.”

“I am sorry though--”

“John.” Sherlock said, putting an arm around John's shoulder. “She's going to be stubborn about it.”

“Well, uhm…” John stared at Mary. “sorry.”

“Apologise for what you just did, too. Pushing him against the wall and kissing him like I'm not here.” She demanded.

“I'm sorry for that, too.”

Sherlock sighed and ruffled John's hair. “Stop saying sorry, John, sorry is just a word.”

John sighed, pressing up against Sherlock. “Okay…”

“Mary, John does truly apologise. Plus, if it makes you feel better, John wasn't drunk when he kissed me.”

“How is that supposed to make me feel better!?” Mary asked, staring up at Sherlock.

“Well, uhm…”

“It just makes me know John doesn't care about me.” Mary looked at John. “You don't care about me, do you?”

“No, no, Mary, I DO care about you--”

“Well why don’t you tell that to your boyfriend. How about it, Mr. NotGay!”

John turned to Sherlock. He frowned and looked back at Mary. “I care about you but I care about him more.”

Sherlock sighed and leaned against John. “The more you fight the more unhappy you’ll be after your divorce. Smile, decide who gets the kid, and say goodbye--” John slapped Sherlock.

“It’s much harder than that.” John said.

“Uhm… Sorry..” Sherlock put a hand over his cheek, that slap hurt.

After a few seconds John frowned and turned Sherlock around, walking off for a moment. “Sorry.” He whispered and kissed Sherlock. “I didn’t mean to hurt you just as much as I did.”

“It’s okay.” Sherlock whispered with a small grin.

They turned back around and faced Mary. John frowned, maybe Sherlock was right. They shouldn’t fight with each other. “I’m sorry, Mary,” John said to her.

“I’m keeping Rosamund.” She sighed, “Rosie is too young to go through this...” She mumbled and frowned at John. “You know what, you and Mr. Cheekbones get her every weekend.”

“Uhm, okay…” John frowned. He didn’t know if they had time to even take care of Rosamund during the weekend.

“Mr. Cheekbones?” Sherlock asked, touching his cheekbones.

“Yes,” Mary said sassily. “Mr. Cheekbones.”

He rose a brow and pulled up his coat collar, hiding his cheeks. “Shut up. They bring character to me.”

John smiled tauntingly at Mary, he turned to Sherlock so they were staring at each other. Sherlock looked at him questionably, but John just cupped Sherlock’s cheeks and smirked. “Your cheekbones are adorable,” He said quietly, lifting his other hand to cup both of Sherlock’s cheeks.

A small blush spread over Sherlock’s face. “What..?”

“Sheesh! Flirt with him like I’m not here.” Mary growled, staring at the two. John wanted that, he wanted Mary to know what she was losing.

“They’re cute,” John smiled and got on his tiptoes, pressing their lips together. Sherlock was frozen for a moment, but he relaxed, melting into John’s kiss. John started playing with Sherlock’s curls in one hand, his other hand traveling down Sherlock’s body and holding onto his waist.

John deepened the kiss, Sherlock closed his eyes, fighting for dominance over John’s tongue.

“Excuse me!” Mary said once it got too far.

Sherlock pushed John away and composed himself, standing in a professional manner. “My apologies.” He said, unable to stop blushing when he glanced at John.

“Go get a room!” Mary demanded, shooing them out of the house.

Once they were outside, Sherlock put his arms around John and shoved him against the wall. “We can continue that…”

John nodded, laughing a bit. “At home.”

“Right.” Sherlock sighed and let John go. They went with each other to the cab and hailed one, during the cab ride back home Sherlock couldn’t keep his hands off John. For so many years, Sherlock loved John, but he was never able to express himself because Mary.

They held each other’s hand, John rested his head against Sherlock and smiled. They kept kissing and giggling, once they got home they didn’t even bother going upstairs before started what they begun earlier at Mary’s house.

After a few minutes, they heard Mrs. Hudson, during that time they’d both forgotten about Mrs. Hudson. She walked in to see Sherlock pushed against the wall and John holding both of his hands, one of his legs brushed up against Sherlock’s and their bodies pressed together.

“Oh!” She blushed, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to--” Sherlock grabbed John’s hand and ran upstairs.

“Sorry Mrs. Hudson!” He yelled, shutting the flat door and locking it. John laughed, he wondered what it would be like with Sherlock on the couch, but the wall was closer.

John pushed Sherlock up against the wall-- well, door, and they continued.
