
I've been feeling incredibly lazy the last few days. I'm sorry for the very little amount of Daily Johnlock being posted. Trust me, Johnlock is still my life. I am not loosing interest in the ship, I'm just lazy and I have no inspiration. If you have any ideas of something for me to write comment them here. I appreciate it! I dislike AUs by the way. -Dumpster! :D

"Come on, Sherlock." John urged, pushing Sherlock off the couch.

"Nooo, Joooohn, I feel too lazy!" Sherlock got back up on the couch, John pulled him off again.

"Sherlock! We have a case!"

"LAZY!" Sherlock jumped back onto the couch.


"I don't feel like doing anything today." Sherlock mumbled, John rolled his eyes.

"Come on, since when are you this lazy?" John asked, letting go of Sherlock's legs.

"I'm just in a lazy mood!" Sherlock said, resting his head in his arms. "Go do the case without me."

"Now you know I can't do that."

"Yes you can. I believe in you, John."

"Sherlock, you are in your pajamas!" John crossed his arms.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't notice." He sighed quietly.

"Sherlock Holmes. You will get off this couch right now."

"Nahhh." Sherlock rolled onto his back and stretched, closing his eyes.

John sighed and laid down next to Sherlock. "When will you stop being lazy?"

"Tomorrow maybe. A few days? It depends on how I feel."

"Okay." John put a leg over Sherlock's waist, smiling a bit. "I hope it doesn't take too long, people need you."

"Eh." Sherlock shrugged and snuggled up with John.

"Well hopefully you feel well enough to do things soon."

"Maybe." Sherlock yawned and wrapped his arms around John.
