177.Can't Sleep

“John,” Sherlock whispered, poking his friend's face. He was sleeping, curled up under his blankets, but Sherlock woke him up.

“Huh?” John asked, looking up at his friend. He yawned, stretching his arms over his head. He saw that Sherlock was holding a pillow and had a blanket draped around his shoulders, so he figured he wasn't here for a case thing.

“I can't sleep…” Sherlock mumbled, looking into John's eyes.

“And you're coming to me for help?” John asked, staring up at the other man. The shadows that shaded his face made him look so mysterious.

“I… I want to sleep next to you, John.” Sherlock responded, his voice lower than a whisper. He remembered the last time he had done this, when he was six and he had a nightmare so he walked to his parents room and asked to sleep on the bed with them.

John looked confused, but he moved over and pat the side of the bed for Sherlock to sleep on. “Alright,” John yawned, curling up again. “lay down.”

Sherlock smiled and laid down next to John, snuggling up under the blanket he had with himself. He looked over at his friend, staring at the back of his head. John mumbled something tiredly and went to sleep.

When he was finally asleep, Sherlock put an arm over his waist and tangled their legs together. He snuggled up with John and fell asleep like that, comfortable and happy.

So how many of you did this when you were a kid? Be honest!
