103.I Hate Car Rides With Sherlock

John’s POV

Sherlock sighed, staring at me with a frown. “I want to do something today.” He said, tapping his fingers on the arms of his chair.

“Like what?” I ask.

“We bought a car, right?”


“Get up,” He stands up and takes my hand, dragging me out of the flat. I look at him in question but he only shoves me into the passenger seat of our brand new car.

He gets in the driver seat and starts speeding down the road before I can even buckle my seatbelt. “Sherlock! Slow down!”


“Where are we going?” I ask, my voice probably having a scaredish tone to it. I look out the window and stare at the buildings zooming past.

“I don’t know, getting lost.”

“Sherlock--” He makes a sharp turn, I buckle my seatbelt and hold tightly onto the arms of my seat. Sherlock chuckles lightly, glancing at me.

“Ready?” He asks, I shake my head but he takes his hands off the wheel. I am so happy the roads are empty.

“Sherlock! Put your hands back on the wheel! SHERLOCK!”

He laughs, “Do you want to drive?”

I nod, “Please, please do let me drive.”

He must’ve been going insane. He let go of the wheel again and told me to take it. I reach over and take the wheel, getting the car under control.

Sherlock moves to the back seat without even stopping the car. I move to the front seat and slow the car down.

“Okay, John,” He sets his hands over my eyes and leans down so his face was next to mine. “Turn right.” I turn right quickly. “Now turn left.” I turn left. “Straight.” I keep going straight.

“What are you doing..?” I mumbled, frowning. Not being able to see and having control of the car at the same time scared the hell out of me.

“I’m making this more interesting, John. Now choose a direction, right, left, or straight?”

“Oh please don’t make me do this--”

“John. Pick one!”

On an impulse I turned left. Sherlock sighed in relief and kissed my cheek. “Good job. Now turn right.”

I blush and turn right, though I feel like I can’t make proper decisions because the kiss. I turn right. “Okay, what now? I completely trust you, Sherlock…”

Sherlock nodded, “Straight.” I go straight, leaning back and sighing. “Right, left, or straight? You have fifteen seconds and only one is right.”

A shiver of fear ran through my body. I turned right. “Did I choose the correct one?”

“Correct or wrong, doesn’t matter. Though I would recommend pressing on the brakes.”

I stop the car, Sherlock takes his hands off my eyes and I see I’ve drove us into an alleyway. I was two inches away from crashing us into a wall. Sherlock sits down in the passenger seat and I back out of the alleyway.

It turned out we were lost. I gave my phone to Sherlock and he got on the GPS so we could find our way back home. When we did Sherlock apologised even though he believed he did nothing wrong. He takes my hand and we walk inside.

“By the way, when we were in the car, why’d you kiss me?” I asked, looking at Sherlock.

Sherlock blushed a bit and ignored my question. He walked into the kitchen and shut the door. I sigh and shrug, going to my chair.
