

John walked inside the flat to be greeted with whimpering of Sherlock. He tilted his head and looked over to the couch, walking in and closing the door.

He looked at the needles sitting on the ground and sighed, picking them up and throwing them in the rubbish bin.

Sherlock whimpered again, John knew he was having a bad trip.

“It’s okay, Sherlock,” John whispered, stroking Sherlock’s hair.

He wasn’t responding, the trip was scaring him, and rendering him unable to speak.

“I’m here now.” John smiled softly, Sherlock took John’s hand, bringing it close to his face. He set it on his cheek and closed his eyes.

A small smile pulled at John’s lips, but it disappeared when Sherlock whimpered again. Sherlock stared at the twisting colours, and disfigured objects. John looked normal, he was about the most normal thing there.

Because he can’t talk, Sherlock just leaned into John’s hand. He cried out for John, whimpering and squirming around.

John didn’t know why Sherlock did this. He didn’t know why Sherlock ever got high, to him it was just stupid.

Sherlock manages something that sounded close to John’s name.

“Yes, Sherlock?” Another whimper. John frowned and hugged Sherlock close, “Don’t worry, Sherlock. I’m here for you.”

The soothing words seemed to relax Sherlock. He curled up into a ball and stared at John. His hand was still on Sherlock’s cheek, they were staring eye-to-eye.


“Hahah, oh, Sherlock.” John cupped Sherlock’s face a bit more. He smiled slightly and used his other hand to smooth down Sherlock’s hair.

John ended up twiddling with Sherlock’s curls. He gently twirled them, smiling sweetly as he did so.

Sherlock allowed him to play with his hair, it calmed him down. Eventually John crawled onto the couch, he laid down on Sherlock, continuing to mess with his curls.



Sherlock mumbled a few things, he grabbed onto John and pulled him closer. John put his arms around Sherlock, he sighed, laying his head down on Sherlock’s chest.

They started cuddling a bit, Sherlock held tightly onto John, John laid on Sherlock’s body, they were both happy.

The bad trip was getting better, Sherlock nuzzled into John and smiled. He was aware that John was on top of him, but didn’t seem to mind.

Slowly, Sherlock was able to fall asleep. John smiled and allowed him to sleep, wanting Sherlock’s trip to end. Although, when Sherlock wasn’t high anymore, he would probably not want to have John this close to him... Or would he?

John figured if he was high he probably wouldn’t appreciate his flatmate cuddling him. So John tried to get up and leave but he was stuck in Sherlock’s arms.

He didn’t mind anymore, he just let it happen. John smiled and snuggled up closely to Sherlock, if he wasn’t wanted there Sherlock would kick him off. But Sherlock was also cuddling him and pulling him back when he tried to leave.

So John smiled and fell asleep with Sherlock, a peaceful expression on his face as he did.

“Goodnight, Sherlock.”

