
“Alright, John, this case will not take me long so I'm leaving you home. I'll be back soon.” He smiled at John and walked out.

“Sherlock--” John was too late, Sherlock was already out the flat and driving off with a cab. John stood up and walked to the door, picking up Sherlock's coat.

He held the jacket for a few minutes and smiled, the flat was cold and the could use some warmth. John put on the coat, which was a little too big, but comfortable and warm. He walked over to the couch and laid down, snuggling up into the coat.

It was nice, felt wonderful, and it smelled like his friend.

John’s eyes fell shut and he slipped into a quiet sleep, staying cuddled up into Sherlock’s coat.

A few minutes later, Sherlock walked inside. He looked over to John and smiled softly, staring at him. John looked adorable, the coat was too big for him and covered him almost completely.

The next time John woke up, which was a few hours later, he felt something around him. For a moment, he didn’t know what it was. But, he saw the sleeves of Sherlock’s purple shirt and he knew who it was. John, still wrapped up in an oversized coat, had Sherlock Holmes cuddled next to him.

John leant into Sherlock and closed his eyes again, sighing quietly.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Sherlock whispered. “I solved the case and came back to relax, hope you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t mind.” He fell back asleep, smiling.
