
When Sherlock didn't return home after a case, John started to worry a bit.

He waited another few hours then he tried to make himself believe it was just a long case, but he couldn't resist picking up his phone and clicking Sherlock's contact.

Ring ring ring… This is Sherlock Holmes. At the moment I am not picking up your call because I'm either in my Mind Palace or on a case. I call you back when I'm ready. Goodday--Beep!

“Agh! Sherlock why won't you answer? You always answer my calls!” John tossed his phone to the side, then it rang. He had to get off his chair to pick it up from the floor. He looked at the caller.

“Ah, J-John!”


“N-no questioning me… s-sorry I missed your call…”

“Yeah, uh, no worries but you sound a little out of it.”

At this Sherlock started pouting and yelled at something or someone who was behind him to 'stop,’ they respond by screaming something in Sherlock's ear, something John couldn't recognize.


“Help me…”

And the call cut out. “Oh gosh-- Sh-sherlock is in trouble!” He jumped up from his seat, scurried to the door, put on his jacket, and bolted out. He quickly got a cab and told the cabbie where to go.

John was shaking so bad in his seat the cabbie had asked if he was okay. “Yep. Fine. Absolutely okay. Can you hurry?”

“Sorry mate.”

“Mhm. Mhm. Of course, sorry my friend is kinda hurt somewhere and I need to find him…”

“Okay, just try and calm down.” The cabbie pulled into the house of where Sherlock went for his case.

“Sherlock!?” John called and tossed himself out of the cab, leaving a few pounds on his seat for the ride.

He knocked down the door with a few blows and started to seek for his hurt friend.

He found Sherlock in the basement, hurt and curled up in a ball. He had streams of tears down his face..

John dropped to his knees, taking Sherlock's hand. “Okay, okay, Sherlock I am here now…”


“Yes, don't talk.” He hovered over the bleeding wounds. “Oh, geezes, Sherlock…”

Sherlock frowned(not that he was smiling before,) and squeezed John’s hand tightly. “J-John…”

John looked into Sherlock's eyes, he could spot fear in them. “Oh, don't worry, Sherlock…” he moved a curl out of Sherlock’s eyes. “Everything will be absolutely fine, alright?”

“I know…”

John took Sherlock up in his arms. He started to walk towards the exit with Sherlock holding onto him tightly. “You're always in so much trouble, I don't think I can afford missing out on another case. Next time you'll probably be dead.”

“I-I'm sorry, John…”

“I know you are, and I'm even more sorry.” Sherlock got a tighter grip on John, shifting around uncomfortably in his arms. “Try not to move so much, Sherlock.”

“Sorry…” Sherlock became still and laid his head on John's shoulder.

John smiled and once he got out of the house he got a cab, he let Sherlock down and didn't expect him to start trembling and almost fall. John caught him and helped him into the cab.

“Th-thanks… John..” Sherlock tried to sit up but eventually fell on John's side.

“Oi, is this your buddy?” Asked the driver. John looked up from Sherlock's bruised face and stared up at a familiar looking cabbie.

“Oh, it's you again,” He'd gotten the same cabbie he had on his way there. “Yes, this is Sherlock Holmes, my friend. The one that got hurt that is…”

Sherlock coughed and cuddled up to John's side.

“He doesn't look so well, I'll bring you two to a hospital.”

“Thank you,” John said with a smile. The cabbie nodded and turned.

“We'll be there in a few minutes, keep him awake.”

“I know.” John put his arm around Sherlock's shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

“Johnnn…” Sherlock groaned and buried his face in John's shoulder, making the doctor’s face turn red.

“Yeah?” Sherlock didn't talk again, but John was put into a weak embrace.

“I'm c-c-cold…”

John held Sherlock closer, trying to warm him. “Alright, I'll make you warm.”


“Yeah, no problem..” there was silence for the rest of the ride until the cab pulled into the hospital parking lot. John helped Sherlock out then picked him up bridal style. He walked into the hospital and sat Sherlock down in one of the chairs in the kid's section while he went to the front desk.

“What are you here for?” Asked a small, about three year old kid.

“Isn't it ob-obvious…?”

The boy stayed quiet then crawled into the chair next to Sherlock. “You're hurt.”

“Mhm..” Sherlock curled up into a ball on the chair and waited for John. “Pl-please leave… I can't re-really talk right n-now….” Sherlock coughed and the kid ran off.

John came back another minute later and sat next to Sherlock. He put a hand on his back, making him flinch. “Get up, Sherlock.”

Sherlock peeked a look at John. “But it's so comfy….”


“I'm so tired…”

John sighed and the doctors behind him moved him out of the way. They rushed Sherlock to a room.

After a little while the doctors were finished. John stayed in the room, the other doctors left.

Sherlock woke up after another hour and turned to the side of his bed. “John..”

“Hey, Sherlock, you're awake!”

“Yes, I am..” Sherlock sat up, John bursted from holding it in and put Sherlock in a big embrace.

“Oh, Sherlock! Don't do that again…!”

“I'm sorry…”

John kissed Sherlock's cheek multiple times, despite how they weren't in a relationship. Sherlock's face flushed a pinkish color. “John--”

John put his lips over Sherlock's, making him stop talking. Sherlock's heart skipped a beat and once John pulled away he took a breath of air.

“John…” Sherlock made eye contact with John and didn't look away. John cowered back into his seat.

“I'm sorry…”

Sherlock pulled him back up and gave him another kiss. “John… I love you…”

John blushed, “I love you, too.”
