47.Secretly a Demon/Angel

After a long case John and Sherlock separated into their different rooms.

Sherlock shuts and locks his door as he enters his room. He slowly slipped out of his coat and fell on his bed with the usual outburst of his wings stretching from being trapped inside his cost for the entire day. Sherlock's wings were black wings, in the shape of an angles', but torn. He was a demon, but he was a fairly good demon, being expelled from Hell itself because he had been secretly putting on a costume to make himself look like a human and solve murders with such ease.

Sherlock stretched his wings, fluttering them and gently letting them fold onto his back. He yawned and laid down upon the bed.

John was an angel. He was a full one hundred percent angel, not fifty fifty like his friend Sherlock. Neither of the men knew about each other's condition other than the floating aura around the other when they would make eye contact.

John, too, collapsed onto his bed. His beautiful white-golden wings unfolded from underneath his jumper. He frowned and looked at the wings, John was ashamed. His only true wish was to be human, so he would be accepted... Surely he'd be called freak and kept in a bird's cage at a zoo, right? He couldn't let anyone know.

John stretched his aching wings. He kept his hidden more than Sherlock's, hence they hurt when he would release them in the sanctuary of his room.

John formed a cage around himself with his wings, falling asleep quickly.

The sun rose, the light glowing into the room with such grace, John ignored it, staying in the shade of his wings.

Sherlock, on the other feather, jolted up. He packed his wings tightly against his back, putting on a new shirt. He grabbed his phone off his dresser before walking out of the room. He checked the time, and as he did, noticed Lestrade had texted him.

Triple murder. 435 Quent street.


Sherlock clasped his hands together, delighted. "Murder!" he smiled, pulled on his coat, and barged into John's room. "Jo--" Sherlock gasped. He stared at the beautiful, feathery cage around John.

John jumped back with a shriek, his wings were gone within seconds. John felt miserable, "Sherlock-- I-- I can explain!" John felt as if Sherlock were going to judge him.

Because the shocked expression on Sherlock's face, John's heart sank. Sherlock slowly ​moved closer to John. "What... What were those?! Wings!?"

"I-I--" John got froze up, he felt a lump form is his throat, leaving him unable to speak.

Sherlock's face changed from 'Oh... my... gosh...' to a playful smirk. He shut the door by kicking it, his eyes never leaving John's.

By now the angel doctor was ready to fight and run, but he couldn't hurt Sherlock, could he?

Sherlock shrugged off his coat, letting his wings loose, John's face softened for only a moment before recognizing the color of Sherlock's wings. Angels and demons had been in a war, and still do not trust each other fully.

"John..." Sherlock mumbled, taking another step closer. John felt cornered now, a demon stood before him.

He unfolded his wings, readying himself to talk, "Uh... Sherlock..."

Sherlock continued stepping closer, until he was at the edge of the bed. John was about to fall off of it, but a hand grabbed him.

"John, you're a..." Sherlock paused, admiring the man's shimmering wings. "An angel?"

John nodded slowly, "And you're a... demon..."

"Half," Sherlock corrected, leaning closer to John. He was still holding John's wrist firmly, studying the increasing beats, and making eye contact.

"Half demon..." John mumbled, not looking away from Sherlock's face, even though he tried.

"This doesn't change anything between us, right, John?" Sherlock asked, brushing his wings against John's.

"Of course not..." John said quietly, his eyes drifted to Sherlock's lips. His face blushed up a bright red and he looked away.

Sherlock frowned, dilated pupils did make John look adorable. Sherlock made John look back at him.

John couldn't help but make the first move. Sherlock's face was so close to his own...

As if it were a daily thing, John connected their lips into a gentle, passionate kiss. Sherlock leaned in closer to John, they both used their wings to cover the sides of them. If Mrs. Hudson were to walk in all she would see was wings.

With no regards for his judgement anymore of who he loved and who was an enemy, John wrapped his arms around Sherlock, tucking his wings away. "Sherlock..." John mumbled, tracing up and down Sherlock's spine with his finger.

Sherlock smiled and climbed on top of the bed and started to give John sweet kisses all over his face.

John chuckled, laying onto the bed and pulling Sherlock on top of himself, he started to play with the curly chocolate hair of the consulting detective on him.

Sherlock cuddled up with​ John, tucking him in with his black wings, he kissed John's neck. "Who'da thought? Us in the same bed...." Sherlock whispered into John's ear.

John's wings once again flew out, but with affection. His face was even more red and his palms were a little sweaty.

Sherlock chuckled, being more careful with John now that his wings were also out. He started to slide his long, gentle fingers on the rim of John's feathers, giving them a firm massage. John didn't feel uncomfortable, nor did he feel like ending anything, so he just laid there and let Sherlock take over.

John could feel the warmth of the taller man as he got wrapped into those broken,void black wings. Somewhere in this, John had put his arms around Sherlock's body.

Now Sherlock was also getting kissed, John wrapped his legs around Sherlock's waist, and started to gently stroke his wings, "What happened here, with these?" He asked.

"A fight," Sherlock said quietly, fluttering his wings and tucking them down a bit, "Nothing much. They happen all the time."

John nodded, snuggling with the demon. He cupped Sherlock's face gently and kissed him.

When John backed away from Sherlock he smirked, "I didn't think you'd be such a good kisser."

"Nor did I. This is my first."

John chuckled and licked his lips. "And those wings add a little touch in your personality."

"And your wings are beautiful, have I said that? I can't find the right word to describe them-- wonderful, flawless, fantastic, fabulous, breathtaking..." Sherlock stopped and nuzzled close to John. "They fit you."

"Really? I don't like my wings."

"Why not?"

"I've always just wanted to be human... I kinda wish I could get rid of them."

"I wish I didn't have a tail."

"You have a tail?!" John asked, he felt something slim wrap around his leg.

"Well a proper demon always hides their tail," Sherlock mumbled.

"Wow." John whispered​. "How could I have not noticed?"

"I am good at hiding it."

"Yeah, seems so." Sherlock let the tail unravel from John's leg.

"Sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable..."

"No, no, it's fine." John stole another kiss from Sherlock's lips, "A tail won't change the person you are, I still love you."

Sherlock smiled, "I love you, too!" He buried John in a mountain of kisses, cuddling him closely and brushing their wings together. "Hehe, John..."

"Sherlock..." John giggled, his hands sliding down Sherlock's body. Both of their faces blushed up a desirable pink.

"I forgot," Sherlock mumbled, kissing John's neck. "I came here to get you because there was a murder. A TRIPLE murder."

"Ohh, lucky you." John chuckled and booped Sherlock's nose. "I guess we should get going then."

"Mhm. Before Lestrade suspects something." Sherlock sat up and tucked in his wings. He jumped off the bed and put back on his coat.

John shifted on his bed, "I still need to put on something new."

"Okie," Sherlock looked at John and smiled before leaving the room. John folded in his wings and also got off the bed.

John walked out a minute later with a new outfit, "Okay, let's go."
