145.Snuggles!!! :D

John walked to the couch, sitting down beside Sherlock and leaning against him. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes, curling up against his friend.

It was confusing to Sherlock, John looked so soft and fluffy. He came over so suddenly. “Hello, Watson?” Sherlock said a little nervously, but he kept his voice as steady as he could.

“Ello, Sherlock…” John mumbled, nuzzling his friend's shoulder.

“Is there something you need?” Sherlock asked, ignoring his thoughts that just told him to wrap his arms around John.

“Oh, no, no…” John blushed lightly, “I-I just felt like snuggling with somebody…” He whispered.

Sherlock rose a brow, clearing his throat. He looked around the room awkwardly, then looked back to the smol adorable John attached to his side.

“Alright,” Sherlock whispered softly. John smiled, looking up at Sherlock. “Lay down,”

John nodded, laying down. Sherlock mentally prepared himself before laying next to his friend, facing him.

Sherlock pulled John a little closer, resting his head on his friend's. John curled up slightly, putting a leg over Sherlock's waist.

“This is comfortable,” John whispered, his face against Sherlock's chest.

“Yes,” Sherlock nodded a bit, letting his hand on John's thigh. He pulled him a little closer and snuggled with him.

John let out a few soft hums, nuzzling his friend and cuddling him. “You're very comfortable,” John mumbled.

“You are, too.” Sherlock kissed his friend's forehead. When he noticed he actually kissed John Watson, his face lit up with red.

A quiet chuckle escaped John's lips. He looked up at Sherlock and kissed him, pulling him closer.

Sherlock's mind stopped. He let John kiss him for a few minutes. But when John finally pulled away, Sherlock was unsure of what to say.

“Good kisser,” Sherlock mumbled, connecting their lips again. That caught John off guard, but he wrapped his arms around Sherlock and kissed him back.

After a minute, John deepened the kiss, he pulled Sherlock closer and held him tightly.

It took a few more minutes until they finally stopped. Blush came to both of their faces.

John tucked his head down and pressed against Sherlock's chest again, resuming the cuddling.
