
About two months ago, John and Sherlock got in a car crash. A drunk driver plowed into the cab they were in. Everyone survived and Sherlock's injuries were minor, John on the other hand, his right leg had to be amputated. He's still getting used to walking with a prosthetic.

John didn't have to go to work, which he was very thankful of. He had off while he adjusted to walking with his new leg. Today, he and Sherlock had ran a few errands to walk around a bit and get John to be comfortable with moving, they were just coming back.

Sherlock helped John to make sure he didn't trip, but he still sometimes stumbled a little. They walked inside the flat and John sat down on the couch, taking off his shoes and jacket. “I'm exhausted.” He said, sighing. He looked up at his flatmate. “Can you please make me a cup of tea?”

“Of course.” Sherlock smiled at John and walked into the kitchen. He made two cups of tea before coming back and sitting down next to John.

“Thank you.” John sipped his tea, smiling softly at Sherlock. He laid down, resting his head on Sherlock's lap.

“You're welcome. I'm always glad to help.” Sherlock smiled.

“I wouldn't be able to do anything without you. I'm very thankful that I have such a good friend that doesn't mind helping me.” He said, looking at Sherlock.

“D’aww,” Sherlock smiled and ran a hand through his friend's hair, twisting it around.

“I'm very happy I have you,” John said, sitting up on Sherlock's lap.

“I'm happy I could help you.” Sherlock responded, looking into John's eyes. Slowly, their smiles fell as they got lost in each other's eyes.

Both of them leaned closer until their lips were touching. John tilted his head, running a hand through Sherlock's hair. John propped his metal leg up against Sherlock's side and kissed him sweetly, getting kisses in return. They got a little lost with each other, and when Sherlock pulled him down, they started to make out.
