98.Reads A Fanfiction

"Oh no what is this..." John mumbled, clicking on a link his friend Mike Stamford emailed him.

"What?" Sherlock asked, gracefully moving behind John.

"Look at this..." John mumbled, staring at a strange site called 'Wattpad.'

"Hmm..." Sherlock bent over, looking at the screen. He frowned, "What is this?"

"A fanfiction."

"Oh dear lord..." Sherlock sighed, "Alright, click it."

"Are you sure?" John asked, looking up at his friend.

"Yes, why not? What's this called?"

"At The Wrong Case At The Wrong Moment." John said, sighing. (SELFPROMOTION)

"Click the first chapter, John." John nodded and clicked into the first chapter.

They started reading it, by the time they were finished with the entire thing, both felt thoroughly confused and a bit violated..

"Uhm..." John mumbled, he was blushing. "Well that was weird."

"Married? That quickly?" Sherlock scoffed, setting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "People make these things about us?"

"Yah..." John sighed quietly.

"Odd. What people do with their lives. I bet there's someone out there that makes one of those so often that they do nothing else--"

"Daily Johnlock..." John whispered, clicking onto it.

"Oh don't tell me you're going to read that crap."

John chuckled quietly, "I wonder what it would be like if it was real."

"What?" Sherlock stared weirdly at his friend, tilting his head. John stood up, putting his arms around Sherlock's body and leaning up to kiss him.

Sherlock pulled away, frowning. He blushed up. "John."


"Those 'fanfictions' of us, you want that to become real?"

"Only if you're okay with it..." John whispered, embarrassed.

"Oh, well uhm... In that case then..." Sherlock cupped John's face, bringing him in for another kiss. John smiled, wrapping his arms around Sherlock.

Sherlock rested his forehead against John's and closed his eyes, he smiled sweetly. "This is comfortable," John whispered and pressed against Sherlock.

"Now people don't have to make those pitiful fanfictions." Sherlock said, kissing John again.

"Yeah.." John smiled.

"Well, I guess they might continue... This'll never be enough for 'fangirls,' right?"

"Yep..." John ran a hand through Sherlock's hair, pressing their lips together again and closing his eyes.

"Whatever then..."
