6.First Date

John and Sherlock walked, John had his arm around Sherlock, guiding him. Why? Because Sherlock had his scarf wrapped around his face, covering his eyes.

John wanted to surprise Sherlock because just a month ago they became official boyfriends, and yet, hadn't gone on any dates.

John knew Sherlock wasn't really that kind of man to enjoy dates, but he could try. Right?

They arrive at the place.

"You're taking me out to eat." Sherlock deducted.

John sighed and took the scarf off his face. "I should have guessed you would have made deductions...."

Sherlock clasped his hands together, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's our first date! Are you sure you want to take me here?"

"Yes! Of course!" John smiled and pushed Sherlock inside.

It smelled wonderful in the building. The place was lined with flowers, people quietly chatting over the piano music that wonderfully played with them them. Everyone was dressed up in fancy clothing. Sherlock looked down at John.

"You sure?"

"Yes. I already have a reservation."

Sherlock's eyes widened, "R-reservation!? John we could have just went on a--" Sherlock paused. Where do people even go on dates...? "Uhhh---errmmm--" Sherlock started thinking. "Aha! Yes! I got it, a picnic! Couples do that, yes?"

John laughed, "Yes they do." John went up to the front desk and told the man his name.

Sherlock is staring at the man creepily, making deductions.

John took Sherlock's hand and happily led him to their table. They sit across each other and order.

"You better enjoy yourself." John stared at Sherlock.

"I will." Sherlock sighed and held his face in his hands, waiting for the waiter to come with their food.

When the waiter came, Sherlock and John smile and take their food.

Sherlock stares at John, laughing quietly he moved his plate to the side.

"Did--did you see what I just saw?" Sherlock laughs quietly.

Their waiter had black hair, a tuxedo, glasses, and a small moustache. Just like Sherlock when he ruined John's proposal to Mary.

John nodded "Yeah." John didn't find it as funny as it only reminded him of those two, horrible, long, dreadful, and painful years Sherlock was 'dead'.

Sherlock can't get the idiotic smile off his face as he poked the food his fork.

"Sher." John whines. Sherlock looks up and faces John.


"Please eat." John pouted.

Sherlock sighed and ate the contents laying ontop of his plate.

The two men continued to eat and when they were done they got up, John paid the bill, and they walked out.

Sherlock gave John a quick kiss and tied his scarf around John's eyes. He rested his arm on John's shoulders.

"Now I get to surprise you." He winked.
