126.Is He?

John’s POV

Sherlock’s phone beeps and he picks it up, smiling a bit as he answered the text. I look up at him for a moment before looking back at my book as to not raise suspicion.

I hear that same pattern of beeping everyday. They text a lot. They. They. Who is they? Sherlock laughs or giggles every time he answers a text. I shared my concern with Lestrade and he told me he thinks Sherlock has a girlfriend.

A GIRLFRIEND? He better not have a girlfriend!

But Lestrade says he will stop in cases and read the text messages, then when he was finished he would respond.

Is he cheating?

Is MY Sherlock cheating?

I hope he isn’t cheating, Sherlock is my love, my world, my everything. My heart would be broken if he is cheating. I can’t imagine him-- I just can’t. I wouldn’t have a life with him. He is seriously why I am still alive… I love him. I love him so much.

“Sherlock,” I say softly. He looks up at me with a gorgeous smile.

“Yes, Love?” He asks. I’m happy he still calls me love, but it is completely possible that this is all a sham.

“Oh, uh, who’s been texting you?” I ask softly, but before he can answer there is a knock at the door. He sighs and stands up, going to the door. There was a client there. I frown and put my cheek in my hand, closing my eyes with a sigh.

Sherlock sits back down and the client tells us their case. We aren’t interested because frankly, the case made no sense and it was absolutely ridiculous. So we told the client to leave and he did. When he was gone, Sherlock sat on my lap and curled up, closing his eyes and taking my hand.

“Ello, Lovely.” He says softly.

“Hello, Sherl.” I say and brush some curls out of his face before kissing his forehead. “Now; the conversation we were having earlier,” I say. Something hit me inside, if Sherlock was cheating on me I don’t know what I would do. I would probably scream and break up with him and move away. I could feel some tears in my eyes. I was the first man to truly love Sherlock, he wouldn’t be cheating on me. “Who is texting you so much?” I ask.

“Oh!” Sherlock took out his phone. He kissed my neck and smiled sweetly. Then he clicks on a messenger app that you don’t have to give your phone number to text. “Look at this, Love.” He said with a big smile.

I raise a brow. “What?”

He chuckles. “It’s called roleplaying, Lovely.” He says.

“You’ve gotten into roleplaying? Well who do you roleplay as?”

“Sherlock Holmes.”

“You are Sherlock Holmes, Love.”

“I know. And I find people on roleplaying websites and start to roleplay. It’s fun, it really is. They all are blown away with how correct my deductions are.”

“Oh.” I smile and kiss his cheek, letting out a sigh of relief. “I thought you were cheating.”

“I would never cheat on you, John.” He said and kissed the back of my hand.

I nod and smile. “Okay. Thank you, I love you.”

“I love you, too, John.” He said and smiled.

A/N I love roleplaying. Does anybody else like roleplaying? Probably haha.
