
"Live a lil' will ya?" John said, nudging Sherlock in his side.

"I don't drink." Sherlock muttered.

"Why not?" John asked over the loud music.

"Because I hate the feeling and I remember everything the next day, I'm just here to make sure you don't kill yourself while drunk."

John sighed, ordering two cups. He gave one to Sherlock and smiled.


"Oh come on, you're not going to get drunk over a little cup."

Sherlock sighed and took the cup, sipping it gently.

John drank his cup and set it on the table, ordering another. By the time Sherlock was finished with his cup he was completely hammered.

He almost fell down in his seat, but he picked himself back up and started rambling about random things.

Eventually Sherlock started up some conversation to a girl who was hitting on him, he told her that he had a secret to tell her.

"What?" She asked, leaning a bit closer on her seat.

"Well..." Sherlock said, his words slurred, then he finished in a whisper. "I'mmmm a spaiiii."

"You're a spy?" She asked, surprised to be told this information.

"Yezz..." Sherlock hiccuped, recollecting himself to make the lie more believable. "I'm a Korean spy pretending to be drunk to fit in with teh crowd. Don't tell anybody!"

She nodded, her eyes fixed on Sherlock's. "That's so hot." She said with a suggesting smile.

"O-Ohz.... And--" Hiccup, "I-I don like women... off with yo now!"

Her face turned red in an instant and she hurried off, leaving Sherlock alone.

Sherlock smirked, swiveling his chair so he'd be facing John. "H-hey Jaaawn..." He mumbled.

John turned to him and slurred a few inaudible words, then he shook his head. "Yezzz, Sssherlock?"

"Did'ja hearrr I'mmma Korean spy nowww???" He asked, a serious expression on his face.

"Really?! YOU'RE KOREAN?" John totally believed Sherlock's little lie, both of them believed it.

"I'm Sh-Sherlock ya dummmy. Korean? What kind of m-mum namesss their chillld Korean....?"

John made a weird look, raising one brow. "You're n-not Korean?"

"I-I'm a Korean sppppyy."

"Well I'm a-an Amerrican sppyy..." John said, proud of his new job.

"R-realllyy??" Sherlock looked dumbfounded.


"C-can you even SPPPEAKKK American!??"

"American is a language!?" He shook his head, "Can you even speak KOREAN?"

"H-Hold up..." Sherlock brought out his phone. "Y-Yeah.. I can speak Korean..."

"Say 'Hellzo I'm Sherwokk' for meee..."

"안녕하세요, 저는 Sherlock입니다." Sherlock said, messing up the language and slurring the words.

"HOLY FUDGE--" John almost fell out of his seat, "Y-you're Korean..."

Sherlock was impressed with himself for making John proud of him. "I thought w-we addressed this!" Sherlock yelled, "I'm S-Sherlock!"

"R-right..." John frowned looking to the floor. Sherlock turned off Google Translate and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He leaned over to John but accidently falling into his arms. John held up Sherlock the best he could. "Sh-Sherlock....!"

"Mnnghh..." Sherlock mumbled, looking up at John with a smirk. He put a hand in John's hair and pet him softly. John stared down at Sherlock with a weird expression.

"W-what...?" John asked, the smirk digging into him.

Sherlock pulled his chair closer to John, leaning into him softly. He shifted a bit and connected their lips. John's face turned red in an instant, but he wrapped his arms around Sherlock's body anyways.

When Sherlock released John they stared at each other longingly, as if they weren't drunk anymore. But John pulled Sherlock closer, kissing him again. They continued to kiss each other, until it just turned to making out. Sherlock launched on top of John, almost knocking him from the stool.

"Sherlock--" John moaned through a kiss, holding him impossibly closer.

"Yes?" Sherlock said, letting his hands move up and down John's chest.

"That gurlll is staring at us...." John drunkenly pointed at a strawberry blonde girl, who had her hands in her pocket and was scowling at them.

Sherlock turned to her and recognized her blurry figure. "Ahhh... She waz just... You know what? F-forget her, she's not there..." Sherlock looked back at John and continued to claim his territory with kisses.

"Oki..." John allowed Sherlock to continue to kiss him, but the glare from that girl was making him uncomfortable. He pushed Sherlock off of him and straightened in the seat. "She won't stop... W-what did you do...?"

"I-I told her I waz a Russian spy an-and I wasn't really drunk... Then I told her I don like ladies..."


"Korean, s-sorry..."

"We-well you sure are acting drunk..." John commented, "And why is s-she staring at us??"

"She waz chattin' me up, proba tryin to get laid or something..."

John hugged Sherlock close to his chest and glared at the woman, mouthing "He's mine," to her. She scoffed and walked away.

Now that she wasn't staring at them, John started to kiss Sherlock back, he wrapped his arms around Sherlock, holding him tightly.

"Jawwwn." Sherlock mumbled between kisses.


"Shouldn't we take dis home?"

"We're not in deh flattt?"


"Well I already has you with me, Holmes..." John winked.

Sherlock giggled and traced a finger around John's face, "I-Isn't that good for you...?"

John nodded. "I can always have my Holmes with me..."

"Of course..." Sherlock shifted so he was comfortable in John's lap, he slid his hands down the drunken doctor's body. "W-wanna go on a date later...?"

John's face lit up, then he went back to a normal expression, "do-doesn't this count as a date...?"

Sherlock traced a heart into John's collarbone with his index finger, "Just the appetizer, sweet'ms."

John's face got hot, what did Sherlock mean? He'd have to find out.
