
John's POV

I walked down the damp streets of London, I don't even acknowledge the rain falling onto me. I've got no umbrella, and I'm going slow.

I'm outside because I can't stand Sherlock's attitude today. He was being incredibly mean and for some reason wouldn't say anything. He didn't take any cases, and wouldn't eat.

I know something is wrong... I think I should go back. I kinda don't want to, It's beautiful outside though...

"I'm sorry." A voice behind me says, I don't pay mind to it since there are people behind me, there's always people walking in London. "John," The voice speaks again. "I'm sorry, John."

I turn around once a hand is placed on my shoulder. I stare at a slightly soaked Sherlock, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry..." He repeats, I glare at him without answering. "John... please... Don't give me the silence treatment." I still don't say anything, and for the best of me I turn around and continue walking. I hear Sherlock whining from where he stands, and footsteps echoing behind me. Before I know it I'm in a tight hug in the detective's arms, "Jooohnnn..."

"Sherlock-- Why are you hugging me!?" This time Sherlock didn't speak and he held me closer. Eventually I stop tensing and relax into his arms. He pecks my cheek with a gentle kiss.

"I'm sorry. I'm really really am."

"Of course."

"It's not like me to apologize, I really am sorry." He holds me tightly, stroking my hair.

"I know you are sorry." I lean into him, he pulls his coat over me to protect me from the rain. I appreciate the warmth. "Thank you."

"Mhm," Sherlock hugs me tighter and we start walking. "Do you accept my apology?"

"Yes," I kiss his chin. "I can't not forgive you."

"Thank you!" Sherlock smiles brightly, tightening his hug and nuzzling John's cheek.  
